Saturday, February 23, 2013

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

In January Planned Parenthood released their annual report for
2011-2012 and while they reported performing a record number of abortions they
also reported receiving almost a half a BILLION yep that's right billion with a B of our tax dollars from the government while
doing it!
It amazes me that even while Planned Parenthood openly
releases their own numbers showing their millions upon millions of dollars
received both in tax dollars and in sheer profit, that many on the pro-choice
side still try to argue that Planned Parenthood is a non-profit organization
and makes absolutely no money from the services that they provide. Really???
Well let's just get it from the horse's mouth then shall we? Here are their
numbers reported via their own annual report...
They proudly show that they performed a record number of abortions 333,964. That brings the total number
of babies Planned Parenthood has killed since it began keeping records to
almost 6 million. That's roughly 2/3 of the population of New York City , and over two times the population of Chicago , just to put it
in perspective for you a little, and that in under a decade. That
comes down to PP performing an abortion approximately every 94
And all the while they were busy doing that they received a
record $542 million dollars in taxpayer funding from the U.S. Government.
That's up 11% from the previous year and now roughly 45% of their
financing comes from our federal government. Think about that for just a
moment! While we are in the middle of the worst debt crisis this country has
ever seen and while there is still not even a HINT of a balanced budget
anywhere on the horizon from our leaders in Washington . Our nation debt is at $16.4
TRILLION dollars and rising by the hour and yet they continually poor money
into the death trap that is Planned Parenthood to the tune of almost $1 million
per day. That is completely insane!
By simply defunding this one organization they could cut almost
half a billion dollars in spending right there! That money could be going to
actually HELP American citizens instead of killing them!
While their abortion numbers and their profit numbers increased
dramatically their numbers for actual health care services once again decreased!
This again calculated via their own numbers... In 2011, abortions made up
92% of Planned Parenthood’s pregnancy services, while prenatal care and
adoption referrals accounted for only 7% that's 28,674 prenatal care
services and 0.6% or 2,300 adoption referrals. So do the math that's
145 abortions per 1 adoption referral made.
Cancer screening and preventative services and
contraceptive services provided by Planned Parenthood continued to drop as
well. Contraceptive services have dropped by 12% since 2009, and cancer
screening and prevention services dropped by 29%.
I hasten to point out again that every single service that PP
provides can and is provided by other local health departments and other health
care providers (that by the way can also perform mammograms which PP can not)
and that do NOT perform abortions! Plus they do not have to outsource any other
medical care needed because unlike Planned Parenthood they are legitimate and
authorized healthcare providers!
The Heritage Foundation had some
wonderful points on this in one of their blog posts that I wanted to share with you...
the half-truths spread by leaders and supporters of Planned
Parenthood—including President Obama during last year’s election—the
organization does not and cannot provide mammograms. (It was
over this fact, among other considerations, that leaders of the Susan G. Komen
Foundation originally pulled grant funding from
Planned Parenthood—before they were bullied back into
supporting the abortion provider.)
can receive clinical breast exams at some Planned Parenthood affiliates, but
women are referred to local health care providers for more comprehensive
mammogram services. Planned Parenthood can use funds obtained from grant
sources to pay for the referrals, but it acts merely as a go-between for
women in need of screening. Moreover, as Alliance Defending Freedom’s (ADF)
Casey Mattox explained following an
ADF Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
request, no Planned Parenthood affiliate even holds the licenses necessary
under federal law to perform mammograms.
Planned Parenthood’s lackluster offering of breast health support and
single-minded provision of abortion services isn’t enough to question the
continual stream of federal tax dollars, accusations of fraud and the
group’s apparent willingness to abet the sex trafficking of minor girls should at least
raise scrutiny of the organization’s federal funding."
I ask you again WHY
with all of the illegal activity that Planned Parenthood has been caught red
handed in over and over, do they still continue to receive millions or our hard
earned tax dollars to do their dirty work? No other organization has been nor
ever would be allowed to stay open having been found doing what this
organization has done!
And last but certainly not least for the poor liberal bleeding hearts that still want to proclaim that Planned Parenthood is a none profit and gets no profit for the services that they provide. Read it from them... they reported $87.4 million in profit, and more than $1.2 billion in net assets.
And last but certainly not least for the poor liberal bleeding hearts that still want to proclaim that Planned Parenthood is a none profit and gets no profit for the services that they provide. Read it from them... they reported $87.4 million in profit, and more than $1.2 billion in net assets.
That's not enough
evidence for you? PP's top execs in this supposed "nonprofit"
organization made over $2 million dollars in 2010. Cecile Richards,
President makes a whopping $353,819 per year. Maryana Iskander,
CEO made $288,886. Maria Acosta, the CFO made $263,443. In fact not one of the
top 8 officers in PP made less than $245,000.
Now you tell me people
does this sound like they are not making any money on their
Before I close this
post I wanted to share this video from Fox News about the subject
featuring Marjorie Dannenfelser from the Susan
B. Anthony List.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013
THIS is what "choice" really looks like...

I saw this photo on Facebook today it was shared on one of my friends pages. The caption that accompanied the photo reads...
I normally don't post photos like this because personally I can't stand to look at them myself. It breaks my heart and I literally feel sick when seeing them. However I am beginning to think like many others that there are many people out there that never question what abortion and pro-choice really are until they are faced with the unflinching truth of what it looks like. And I hate to say this but this is one of the MILD photos of what abortion does and is. At least in this one you don't see the little babies literally ripped into pieces as many of them are through what people call a safe and legal "choice".
Tell me how ripping a baby into pieces is right in any circumstance and for any reason! Tell me how purposely causing a baby to be born before it can live outside the womb and tossing it's body in a dumpster like it was nothing more than garbage is right or just in any way!
When someone posts a picture like this it is not done to hurt anyone or to offend them per say. It is done to educate and help people see the truth. It's done out of love to help open people's eyes to the evil that is going on in our country every single day. It is done so that things like this will stop! And while someone might inadvertently see it and it might upset them, and some will undoubtedly get offended when they do see them these kinds of pictures are necessary and powerful. It is graphic photos just like this that have changed many people's hearts and minds about abortion. Because they were never actually faced with what it abortion truly is and what it does before seeing images just like this one and worse those of the pieces that are left behind of the babies after abortions.
Abortion is nothing more than a word to many people. This picture should show you that it is much more than that, and it is not just a political issue as many want to argue. This is a civil rights issue, it is a religious issue, it is a moral issue, and it is truly a human life or death issue.
Don't worry I won't be posting many of these. I honestly don't know if I will ever be able to post one again after this. And I sure can't post some of the ones that I have come across inadvertently myself on other pro-life pages, because I think I would literally throw up even trying. Some of the ones I have seen haunt me often. Anyone with even half of a heart at all doesn't want to see these things, but they need to be seen so that these atrocities will stop! It was graphic photos of aborted babies that a young Lila Rose of Live Action saw when she was a young girl and it helped her to become one of the strongest pro-life advocates in our country today because she was so moved and horrified by what she saw. People need the blinders ripped off of their eyes and for abortion to stop being hidden to where they have to address this issue. Stop being silent, stop turning away from it, stop closing your eyes and pretending that it isn't happening or that it has nothing to do with you because it does. This issue affects every single one of us on this earth today because it has already taken the lives of over 55 million of our brothers and sisters, friends, and neighbors. God only knows who was meant to be in each and everyone one of our lives that is missing today because of abortion.
I hope this does make people angry and I hope it does upset people and make them sick and make them mad because it SHOULD! Abortion is KILLING over 3,500 babies in America every single day. They aren't just numbers on a piece of paper or on a page on the internet or some statistic that someone made up they are human beings. They are innocent children that were meant to be on this earth for a reason and their lives are being ended purposely and discarded like they were nothing by the thousands every single day. Let's not forget that it is also leaving over 3,500 women who are the mother's of those children scarred for life as well both physically and mentally. One killed one left to suffer and haunted for life... untold thousands of men and women's lives unequivocally changed forever.
So you see while photos like this are ugly and hard to look at there are many people in today's world who do need to see pictures just like this to show them exactly what abortion truly is. I felt very strongly for some reason as soon as I saw this one today on a friend's page that I needed to share it. God himself only knows why but I pray that it will help someone to open their eyes and see the truth of what abortion really is and what it is doing. And God willing it will change their hearts and minds and I pray save lives in the future because of it.
May God have mercy on the U.S. and help turn it from being a country that embraces death to one that once again values and embraces life!

Friday, February 1, 2013

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