Friday, May 31, 2013
Please educate yourself and help stop this evil that is slowly killing our country like a cancer. Make no mistake God will not be mocked we can't look the other way and think he won't care. We will answer for our actions and our INACTIONS in this life. He does not hold people unaccountable when they know evil is happening and they do absolutely nothing to stop it. It's time to learn and show the truth to others about abortion. It's time to stop the killing of our innocent brothers in sisters in the womb, and the hurting and suffering of our sisters their mothers. Don't believe the cleverly spun lies women who have abortions suffer emotionally and physically for the rest of their lives.
If a person will not defend the most defenseless and innocent among us what does that say about them? Honestly answer that question. Think of it as if it were your life on the line or that of the person you loved most in the world what would your answer be?
If a person will not defend the most defenseless and innocent among us what does that say about them? Honestly answer that question. Think of it as if it were your life on the line or that of the person you loved most in the world what would your answer be?
Learn the truth. Expose the lies. Stand for what is right!
Friday, May 17, 2013
Yes abortion is hard to hear about, it's not a pleasant topic, but if we don't stop avoiding the hard things and do the right thing people we are lost. It's time to grow up and start fighting for and doing the right thing again. Stop avoiding hard topics and actually start doing something about them! You would want someone to speak out and help you if you were the one in danger! Remember that thing Jesus said about loving your neighbor... yes he did mean the ones still in the womb and the little babies just born too!
And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
So for those that support a woman's right to CHOOSE please take a moment and really look at and study that "choice" you support. See it for what it really is, and ask yourself the hard questions about it. This is the truth of what you advocate for and if you are so for it why can't you take the time to look at it candidly you should be able to without any problems at all if what you stand for is right. So how is the taking of another human life justifiable? And why should this be a choice anyone is allowed to make for another person's life? What if that pre-born baby were you, or someone you loved...would it make a difference to you then? I say this not out of spite or hatred but out of love. Please open your eyes to the truth. ALL women, children, and men deserve better than this! No human being deserves to be ripped apart or delivered into a toilet ever for ANY reason.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
This is the EXACT bill Obama would not vote for. He voted against it FOUR TIMES! Even die hard to the core liberals wouldn't vote against it like Hilary Clinton and Ted Kennedy but Obama did vote against it not once four times! He does not care about children's lives at all unless it fits his agenda. Like it or not it's the truth period! And it's pure EVIL any way you want to try to spin it. The truth is Obama and Gosnell believe and stand for the same things!
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