Saturday, July 12, 2014

I have thought about this long and hard and you know what, if a person can stand for and believes that it's truly all right to kill an innocent baby through can never truly trust that person. Because and I mean this sincerely they are truly capable of ANYTHING. If they can be all right with killing a totally defenseless human being that has no chance at all of defending itself. Has never done anything to anyone and is completely blameless of anything. That is as abominable as you can possibly get period.

Now these same people almost to the letter would have an absolute fit if you said it was all right to kill a puppy or kitten - just smash it's little skull or give it a shot to stop it's heart. They would say that is cruel! How could anyone even think of doing such a thing? (And they would be right). They would never agree to such a thing for an animal, but they are perfectly fine with people doing the exact same things to babies in the womb. I will never understand that ever. It is beyond ludicrous and downright evil.

Monday, July 7, 2014

All right everyone that knows anything about me knows how I feel about abortion. I hate it completely.
I just want to say one thing in light of all the people throwing hissy fits over companies like Hobby Lobby not wanting to cover abortion causing drugs. If a person believes that abortion is wrong the very LEAST that a person could do would be to respect that belief. And if they own a company and are paying for health insurance they should not be made to pay for abortions or any drug that causes one period!

We supposedly live in the land of the free, but that's only true in many people's minds for as long as you agree with them. If they want something and you won't give it to them - (even if it goes against everything you believe at your very core) then too bad. You are just evil incarnate and should be made to give them what they want anyway...regardless of your rights and your beliefs.

At the VERY least if you are just are bound and determined and nothing is going to stop you from getting an abortion (and God forbid that you do) pay for it yourself! Don't make someone else have to pay for your choice! 

I am sick and tired of hearing people whine about Hobby Lobby when they DO offer 16 out of the 20 different forms of birth control!!! People are loosing their minds over them not wanting to pay for the 4 abortion causing drugs! They have rights too!!! So get over yourselves! If you want to kill your child at the very, very least have the common decency and do not ask or expect someone else to pay the bill for it!

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