Tuesday, April 9, 2013
About a week ago I was contacted by a young woman on Facebook who graciously shared her the story of her unplanned pregnancy with me. I was so moved by this young woman's story that I asked her if she would be willing to share it here at A Voice for Hope and she graciously agreed. Here is her story in her own words...
I came across A Voice for Hope on Facebook after a post was made on the Governor of North Dakota’s Facebook page. The state of
I have seen the statement
put out there that, “until you’re actually in the situation of an unplanned
pregnancy, don’t say you wouldn’t have an abortion”. Well I can say that I have
walked in those shoes and my outlook on abortion did not change.
Let me tell you all a
little about myself. My name is Kelby; I’m 25 and live in Minot , North Dakota .
I grew up in a small town in North
Dakota and have lived in the state my entire life. I
have an amazing family. My parents have been married for 33 years and I also
have two older brothers. My eldest brother has two daughters that are 6 and 22
months. Our family is Catholic and my parents have always stressed the
importance of having God in our lives and the morals and values of the church.
I like any other human am not perfect and have made mistakes.
On January 26, 2012 I found
out I was pregnant. I was instantly in a panic as the circumstances around my
pregnancy were not the best. I remember I called a good friend of mine and told
her I was pregnant. She offered to take me the four and half hours to Fargo , ND
to have an abortion. I would be lying if I said I didn’t think about it, but
those 15 seconds passed and I remembered my beliefs. I knew that having an
abortion would not solve anything. It would only cause more issues. I can’t
imagine having to live with the guilt that I killed my unborn child. To keep it
a secret because I would never have been able to say, “hey mom and dad! I
killed your grandchild”. I was the one that had unprotected sex and I was
accountable for the life that I had created. I knew I had two choices either
raise my baby or place the child for adoption.
When I told my baby’s
father I was pregnant he instantly told me I needed to get an abortion and if
my choice was to keep the baby that he would not be a part of its life. The
first three months of my pregnancy I was faced with the hardest decision of my
life. My mom had suggested I speak with someone at the church. I had been
researching different adoption agencies online and found out about Catholic
Charities of North Dakota. I contacted them and they set me up with a counselor
to speak with. This is an amazing organization. They’re focus is not only on
adoption, but also helping mothers who plan on raising their baby.
I met with my counselor
once a week for a couple months. I had told myself I wanted to make my decision
before finding out the baby’s gender. A week or so before I was scheduled for
my baby’s gender ultrasound I just knew in my heart I could not place my child
for adoption. That Sunday I was at mass and during the priest’s homily he said
something that reassured me that I was making the right decision. The moment he
said it I wanted to take my phone out and put what he said in it so I could
remember, but I knew it would be inappropriate. And now to this day I can’t
remember what he said, but I just knew I had this overwhelming feeling of peace
with the decision I had made.

She was and is absolutely perfect! Her dad
and I both feel so unbelievably blessed to have her in our lives. He and I now
have a great relationship and he is one of my best friends. Again, I feel like
God was looking out for me and that there is truly a purpose that our daughter
is in the world.
A couple weeks after Leightyn was born her dad and I were talking and he told me that he completely regretted ever asking me have an abortion and if he could take it back he would. Our daughter is truly the light of both our lives.
It just saddens me beyond
belief that anyone would choose to end the life of a child before they even get
the opportunity to take their first breath. Just looking at my daughter and
seeing her smile can make a horrible day seem great. A child is an amazing gift
from God. I just pray that other women that are faced with an unplanned
pregnancy see what a horrific thing an abortion is and choose life for their
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