Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012
- As a State Senator in Illinois, Barack Obama opposed legislation that would have provided equal protection for unborn babies who survive abortions. The legislation: “[Provided] that a live child born as a result of an abortion shall be fully recognized as a human person and accorded immediate protection under the law.”
- The legislation was introduced after Jill Stanek testified in 1999 that, while working as a nurse at Christ Hospital in Illinois, infants who survived induced abortions were being left to die in a utility room.
- In May 2012, the House of Representatives voted on legislation that would ban sex-selection abortions, which occur when the gender of the child is not preferred by the parents. A study by the Lozier Institute shows that sex-selection abortion is happening here in the United States, with unborn baby girls falling victim. The majority of U.S. representatives – 246-168 – voted in favor of this ban.
- President Obama opposed the ban on sex-selection abortions, saying, “The government should not intrude in medical decisions … in this way.”
- Under Obamacare, millions of Americans will unknowingly be enrolled in health plans that include abortion coverage. These plans will charge enrollees an “abortion surcharge” – that will go into a national abortion slush fund.
- Obamacare forces employers – whether religious or secular – to pay for insurance plans that cover abortion-inducing drugs and sterilization, regardless of religious or moral objections.

Thursday, October 18, 2012
I wanted to blog today about something that I have been seeing a lot of lately and I find it personally very disturbing. I'm fairly new to the pro-life active community. I have been pro-life all my life but until a few months ago I wasn't very "active" in the cause as I have stated here several times before. But in just the short time that I have been active in the online pro-life communities I have seen something that has been very shocking to me and I felt I had to say something. I have seen countless instances of pro-life people and groups being very rude, disrespectful, and in a few cases even downright mean to other pro-lifers.
I never expected this from the pro-life community. Now I know that when there are a lot of people involved in anything that there are going to be disagreements and differences in how people think that things should be done that's a given. But what I have seen and even experienced myself is some people that claim to be pro-life, (which to me is a cause that stands for at it's very core love) being hateful, condescending, and trying to tear their fellow pro-lifer's down. This to me is just unbelievable! Being pro-life we are suppose to be fighting to save lives and do what is right for our fellow human beings. How can these same people that claim to love and defend life not even be civil to their fellow human beings who are fighting for the same things right along beside them?
Sure we may have differences of opinion on things in life that's part of being human. But we should be working together to help end abortion as soon as possible not focusing on keeping our own little cliques together and looking down at and others who are wanting to help end abortion too! Or taking a holier than thou attitude to others who haven't been in the cause as long as others have. These people are focusing on all the wrong things! Over a million children are loosing their lives every year in this country and the best way, the "only" way, to end abortion is if we stand and work together. Not fight each other and waste our valuable energy and time that we should be using to save lives on each other. Now I'm not saying that you have to go along with everything that someone else believes, but you should be nice to them and let them help in the fight if what they are doing isn't wrong. Just because you don't share the same religion or political party is no reason to think that other pro-lifer's can't help in the fight to end abortion! And if you don't agree with someone and want to convert them to your way of thinking do you really think you will ever be able to convince them by being hateful, disrespectful, and mean to them?
I never expected this from the pro-life community. Now I know that when there are a lot of people involved in anything that there are going to be disagreements and differences in how people think that things should be done that's a given. But what I have seen and even experienced myself is some people that claim to be pro-life, (which to me is a cause that stands for at it's very core love) being hateful, condescending, and trying to tear their fellow pro-lifer's down. This to me is just unbelievable! Being pro-life we are suppose to be fighting to save lives and do what is right for our fellow human beings. How can these same people that claim to love and defend life not even be civil to their fellow human beings who are fighting for the same things right along beside them?
Sure we may have differences of opinion on things in life that's part of being human. But we should be working together to help end abortion as soon as possible not focusing on keeping our own little cliques together and looking down at and others who are wanting to help end abortion too! Or taking a holier than thou attitude to others who haven't been in the cause as long as others have. These people are focusing on all the wrong things! Over a million children are loosing their lives every year in this country and the best way, the "only" way, to end abortion is if we stand and work together. Not fight each other and waste our valuable energy and time that we should be using to save lives on each other. Now I'm not saying that you have to go along with everything that someone else believes, but you should be nice to them and let them help in the fight if what they are doing isn't wrong. Just because you don't share the same religion or political party is no reason to think that other pro-lifer's can't help in the fight to end abortion! And if you don't agree with someone and want to convert them to your way of thinking do you really think you will ever be able to convince them by being hateful, disrespectful, and mean to them?
We should be willing to help our fellow pro-lifers especially the new converts and those that are wanting to start their own groups and give them tips and a helping hand. Help promote them and encourage them so that they can help us in the fight to end the silent holocaust of thousands of innocent lives everyday! There is room and a place for everyone in this fight for life! And we NEED every good person that we can get to help fight this enemy! This isn't a popularity contest it's about saving lives. It's not a business, it's not a competition. Your fellow pro-lifers aren't the enemy - abortion, Obama, pro-choice legislators, Planned Parenthood, and all the other abortion clinics are! The enemy would like nothing better than to see us fight each other. Because while we are focusing on fighting other pro-lifers we are letting them go about their business of killing innocent babies in peace. A house divided against itself cannot stand. How do you think it looks to people who haven't made up their mind about being pro-life or not yet to see pro-lifers backbiting and being hateful to their fellow pro-lifers? Do you think that this type of behavior that is going to encourage them to join the cause? You need to ask yourself if you are helping the cause or are you hurting it with your behavior and attitude.
There are thousands of babies who need all of us to be their voice for them because they don't have theirs yet and if we keep fighting in amongst ourselves they will die without one! My brothers and sisters in the pro-life cause please stop the prideful and hateful attitudes and put "self" on the back burner and fight for those children they deserve life! Stop alienating those who want to help you save lives and work with them to help end this tragedy that is running rampant in our country! Pro-life is a cause of love and it needs to be represented as one!

Monday, October 15, 2012
We understand the importance of this film to our viewers and it was not our intent to alter or dilute the impact of October Baby in any way. All movies on gmc are edited for length and for various types of content (graphic violence, sex, language, etc.). We always aim to ensure that the essence of the story is not altered by the editing process. Upon further reflection in light of your comments, we agree that some of these edits were not necessary. We will be re-editing the film to re-introduce these portions in all future airings.
Thank you for taking the time to share your concerns with us."

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Here are the details from GMC...
October Baby is the powerful, life-affirming story of Hannah, a college student whose world is turned upside-down when she discovers she was adopted ... after a failed abortion attempt. Bewildered, angered, and confused, Hannah embarks on a journey with Jason, her oldest friend. In the midst of her incredible journey to discover her hidden past and find hope for her unknown future, Hannah learns every life is beautiful!
gmc TV, America's favorite television channel for uplifting family entertainment, will present the gmc World Premiere Movie October Baby, a hit in theaters earlier this year. The movie stars John Schneider ("Dukes of Hazzard", "Smallville"), Jasmine Guy ("A Different World"), Jason Burkey, newcomer Rachel Hendrix, and "American Idol" finalist Chris Sligh in his feature film debut.
October Baby premieres on gmc TV Sunday, October 14 at 7, 9 and 11 p.m.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Labels:Abortion,Anti-abortion,Pro-Life,Roe vs. Wade,Video | 0
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012
I have exciting news to share with you all I am going to be having two very special interviews coming up here very soon! The first one is with abortion survivor and pro-life speaker Melissa Ohden many of you may recognize her from her work in the Pro-Life movement and others may recognize her from the TV ad that she starred in for the Susan B. Anthony List "How will you answer?" that aired during the DNC and during the Presidential Debate. Melissa's story is amazing and I can't wait to share the interview with you. She tells her story and answers many questions about everything from what it's like speaking around the world, to family, and more!
I also have an upcoming interview with Christian artist Ron DiCianni about his work and his latest painting a Pro-Life painting entitled "Before I formed you in the Womb". Ron is one of the best selling Christian artists in the U.S. but many don't know that he is also an abortion survivor.
I have also added tons of new products to the Pro-Life Shops at Zazzle and Cafepress. I opened a shop at both companies because I wanted to try to get as much pro-life merchandise as I could out there. And I know that some prefer one company over the other. Please take a look! Help show the world that you believe that every life is precious and should be protected! Click here to visit my Zazzle shop
Click here to visit my Cafepress shop
Here are just a few of the designs now available on everything from T-shirts, buttons, to yard signs and more!
The majority of the proceeds from all sales will go to various pro-life organizations to help fight abortion! My purpose in making the shops was not to make profits but to help spread the pro-life message through these products that people can wear, display, and use in their everyday lives.
If you see a design you like but it's not available on the product you want just contact me and I'll be happy to add it to the shop for you. Also if any of you have any ideas for a Pro-Life design you would like to see just let me know and I'll see if I can create it for you!
And finally Voice for Hope is now on Facebook and Twitter! Please follow me and let others know about Voice for Hope! I truly appreciate all your support God bless you all!
I also have an upcoming interview with Christian artist Ron DiCianni about his work and his latest painting a Pro-Life painting entitled "Before I formed you in the Womb". Ron is one of the best selling Christian artists in the U.S. but many don't know that he is also an abortion survivor.
I have also added tons of new products to the Pro-Life Shops at Zazzle and Cafepress. I opened a shop at both companies because I wanted to try to get as much pro-life merchandise as I could out there. And I know that some prefer one company over the other. Please take a look! Help show the world that you believe that every life is precious and should be protected! Click here to visit my Zazzle shop
Click here to visit my Cafepress shop
Here are just a few of the designs now available on everything from T-shirts, buttons, to yard signs and more!
The majority of the proceeds from all sales will go to various pro-life organizations to help fight abortion! My purpose in making the shops was not to make profits but to help spread the pro-life message through these products that people can wear, display, and use in their everyday lives.
If you see a design you like but it's not available on the product you want just contact me and I'll be happy to add it to the shop for you. Also if any of you have any ideas for a Pro-Life design you would like to see just let me know and I'll see if I can create it for you!
And finally Voice for Hope is now on Facebook and Twitter! Please follow me and let others know about Voice for Hope! I truly appreciate all your support God bless you all!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012
I'm sorry I haven't posted on here for several days my whole family and I have come down with what I think is the flu. I'm still battling it and it's gotten worse over the last few days. God willing I will be a lot better and be able to post on here everyday like I want to again very soon I pray.
I have been looking for more good articles and videos to share while I'm not able to write like I want to and these are some videos that I have been meaning to share for a while. The first two are on stem cell research and cloning they explain exactly what they do in stem cell research including both embryonic stem cell research and adult stem cell research. They also address cloning and touch a little on the IVF (In vitro fertilization) techniques that cause the production of many embryos that are then not used and destroyed. All of these things are talked about a lot but they aren't very well understood by most people, including myself until I saw these videos. They are very informative and easy to follow so don't think it's going to be one of those videos where they use these huge medical terms and don't explain what they are talking about for people who didn't go to medical school these are not like that so please take a few mins. and watch these. You will see how truly important adult stem cell research could be for so many medical problems in the future they are making some great progress already.
I found it very interesting and telling that you hear so much about embryonic stem cell research and yet not one time have they ever been able to save a single life or help anyone with all their research. But with adult stem cell research where no embryos or anything that would destroy another life in any respect is used they are making huge strides and are already helping people with spinal injuries and other diseases and issues. Adult stem cell research is clearly the right choice and what scientists and researchers should be focusing on and not the embryonic research which has done nothing but fail to help anyone and it's destroying human embryos in the process. If you are like me and have heard about stem cell research and want to know what it really is and how it's done these videos are wonderful!
I found it very interesting and telling that you hear so much about embryonic stem cell research and yet not one time have they ever been able to save a single life or help anyone with all their research. But with adult stem cell research where no embryos or anything that would destroy another life in any respect is used they are making huge strides and are already helping people with spinal injuries and other diseases and issues. Adult stem cell research is clearly the right choice and what scientists and researchers should be focusing on and not the embryonic research which has done nothing but fail to help anyone and it's destroying human embryos in the process. If you are like me and have heard about stem cell research and want to know what it really is and how it's done these videos are wonderful!
The last video is a great one featuring Dr. Alveda King on Personhood she makes some priceless points in just this short ad. Please watch it and learn more about Personhood it truly is the way to go to help overturn Roe vs. Wade and make abortion illegal in the U.S. again.
Please feel free to share these on your Facebook, Twitter, and blogs etc. and help others to learn the truth about these important issues.

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