I'm sorry I haven't posted on here for several days my whole family and I have come down with what I think is the flu. I'm still battling it and it's gotten worse over the last few days. God willing I will be a lot better and be able to post on here everyday like I want to again very soon I pray.
I found it very interesting and telling that you hear so much about embryonic stem cell research and yet not one time have they ever been able to save a single life or help anyone with all their research. But with adult stem cell research where no embryos or anything that would destroy another life in any respect is used they are making huge strides and are already helping people with spinal injuries and other diseases and issues. Adult stem cell research is clearly the right choice and what scientists and researchers should be focusing on and not the embryonic research which has done nothing but fail to help anyone and it's destroying human embryos in the process. If you are like me and have heard about stem cell research and want to know what it really is and how it's done these videos are wonderful!
The last video is a great one featuring Dr. Alveda King on Personhood she makes some priceless points in just this short ad. Please watch it and learn more about Personhood it truly is the way to go to help overturn Roe vs. Wade and make abortion illegal in the U.S. again.
Please feel free to share these on your Facebook, Twitter, and blogs etc. and help others to learn the truth about these important issues.

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- Abortion Survivors (9)
- Abortion on Demand (10)
- Adult Stem Cell Research (1)
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- Doe vs. Bolton (6)
- Dr. Ben Carson (1)
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- Morning After Pill (2)
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Thank you for this heartfelt blog! I am so sorry you have been unwell and I hope you feel better soon!
ReplyDeleteI have a pro-life video log at prolifetestimonials.blogspot.com and I hope to start writing some articles on the topic soon.
Hi Matterhorn! God bless you for commenting I'm so glad that you like the blog so far and thank you for the well wishes! I have followed your blog and I look forward to seeing some of your articles very soon!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the kind words! I am actually not sure what to do with my site because it has been over a year and still almost nobody visits it. Perhaps if I start writing more it will get into more online searches.
ReplyDeleteHi Matterhorn you are very welcome! I have been trying to get more visitors here as well keep posting to it and write as much as you can. Then visit other people's blogs leave comments then post your blog link with your name in the comment that will help to get some more people to visit sometimes also if you make a Facebook page for it you can get some more followers that way BIG HUGS!!!!!!!!!