Monday, October 22, 2012

I wanted to share this great new website with you please visit it and share it with friends and family, and post about it on your Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites! This information needs to get out especially with the election just weeks away! It could help those who are undecided to see the light God willing. 

Obama Facts on Life

It tells the truth about Obama's beliefs and voting record on abortion. 

It shows how he voted four times against a bill that would have saved babies that were born alive after failed abortions. 

  • As a State Senator in Illinois, Barack Obama opposed legislation that would have provided equal protection for unborn babies who survive abortions.  The legislation: “[Provided] that a live child born as a result of an abortion shall be fully recognized as a human person and accorded immediate protection under the law.”
  • The legislation was introduced after Jill Stanek testified in 1999 that, while working as a nurse at Christ Hospital in Illinois, infants who survived induced abortions were being left to die in a utility room.

He also hasn't supported laws that would put a stop to sex selected abortions that mainly target baby girls.

  • In May 2012, the House of Representatives voted on legislation that would ban sex-selection abortions, which occur when the gender of the child is not preferred by the parents. A study by the Lozier Institute shows that sex-selection abortion is happening here in the United States, with unborn baby girls falling victim. The majority of U.S. representatives – 246-168 – voted in favor of this ban.
  • President Obama opposed the ban on sex-selection abortions, saying, “The government should not intrude in medical decisions … in this way.”

His HHS mandates and Obamacare want to take away the religious freedom of employers by making them pay for coverage of abortion causing drugs and elective abortions or face thousands of dollars in fines per day. Fines large enough to cause most employers to have to comply or go bankrupt.  It is also forcing those insured to fund abortions by charging them a surcharge that goes into an abortion slush fund, This is a direct violation of their constitutional rights!

  • Under Obamacare, millions of Americans will unknowingly be enrolled in health plans that include abortion coverage. These plans will charge enrollees an “abortion surcharge” – that will go into a national abortion slush fund.
  • Obamacare forces employers – whether religious or secular – to pay for insurance plans that cover abortion-inducing drugs and sterilization, regardless of religious or moral objections.

Do we want to live in a country that doesn't have any respect for human life whatsoever even that of the most innocent, weak, and defenseless among us?

Do we want to be more like China with it's ungodly practices of killing innocent healthy children just because they were little girls?

Do we want to be stripped of our God given and Constitutional rights and the very beliefs and values that America was founded upon? Make no mistake if he succeeds in this our other Constitutional rights will come next. Once it's started where will it stop?

Do we want our tax dollars to be paying for abortions?

Obama has shown time and time again that he has no respect for human life at any stage do you want a person like this be leading our country? 

These are questions that every person in the U.S. should be asking themselves and what should be guiding our votes on election day! What kind of country do we want our own children and grandchildren to live in? Think before you cast your vote or before you decide not to vote!


  1. God bless you! Thank you for taking a stand and sharing this news with others.

  2. Aww Thank you so much Net Movie Blogger! God bless you too! I'm not doing anything special I just want to try to help others see the truth.


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