Monday, November 19, 2012

I am sorry that it's been a little while since I have posted. I have had a lot going on and I will be able to share some of why on here very soon! It has to do with my involvement with several pro-life projects that I can't wait to share with you but I'm going to wait until later to share those because they aren't quite ready yet! :)

But I just had to share this great video that I found on the lie that so many that are pro-choice like to throw out there when they are arguing that abortion should remain legal. They try to say falsely that women will die from back alley abortions if abortion is made illegal. This video of Alan Shlemon from Stand to Reason answers why this is not true so well! Please watch this one and share it so that we can help show others that this is not true. And while the door is open share your views of why every life should be protected and that every life is precious and that all people deserve the right to life! Abortion is the greatest human rights violation ever! Because without the right to life all other rights are meaningless. 

Be a voice for the voiceless because without us they don't have one!


  1. Here's another pro-life site, which helps pro-lifers argue more effectively:

    The back alley abortion pro-choice argument has been touched on in one of their videos, though I can't find it in their long list of past episodes.

  2. Hi Lesley! Thank you so much for commenting and for sharing the link I have listened to their shows before they have some good information! I hope to see you more here and have a great day! :) Big Hugs!!!!!!!


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