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I really want to see this! I hate the way so many are dismissive of life just because the circumstances may be difficult or painful. They don't see the intrinsic worth of human beings. The baby only has worth if the mother wants it, a disabled person's life is no longer worth living, it's better to die than to suffer, etc. etc. It's a very twisted, despairing outlook. They are willing to inflict a greater evil to avoid a lesser evil.
ReplyDeleteHi Aura Please do get this one you will really enjoy it! It's a great documentary! I know what you mean sadly that does seem to be the way a lot of people think now a days. May God help them to learn the truth they need prayer badly.
ReplyDeleteWhat they need to realize is that everyone no matter who they are has something wrong with them in some way whether it's something small like allergies or headaches to those who are born blind or with downs syndrome. No one is perfect no matter how much a lot of people don't want to admit that. Everyone has some health problems of some kind sometime in their life if they don't from the start that does not mean that their lives are meaningless or of less value than anyone else's. The right to life should not be determined by anyone they didn't give that life and they have no idea what that life is meant for.
They need to think about what if it was them or someone they truly loved that was in that situation (and I mean someone they REALLY love and value themselves) and their views would change dramatically. The thing is that everyone is loved by or would be loved by someone if they are given the chance to live. God loves all of us from the very beginning he is the one that created us and everyone is here for a reason. There is no way to know what good that someone could do if they are only given the chance to live.
How many great people have already been aborted who would have changed this world for the better? The world will never know all the good that they could have done. There could have already been a cure for cancer, there could have been people who would have found ways to help end hunger and suffering to countless people over the world, what great inventions could they have created that could have helped countless people all over the world or found medicines that could have cured or helped people with all kinds of illnesses and diseases. But the world doesn't have those things because those people were one of the millions of children who were aborted.
No one has the right to say when someone dies accept God! When men and women play God and reject his gifts and his children they will suffer for it. We need to keep praying and fighting against abortion for the good of all!