Friday, September 28, 2012

This story will shock a lot of people I know it did me when I first heard it. This is just another example of how far the United States has moved away from it's true moral values to a country that embraces sinful and loose lifestyles that only lead to heartache and death. According to Fox news where I first read the story  New York City schools have started giving out the abortion pill known as the morning after or "Plan B" pill and birth control to students at 13 different high schools. This is the next steps I suppose after handing out condoms to kids but it's past sickening.

The NYC Department of Education is giving out the morning after abortion pills and other birth control to students at 13 different city high schools across the city. They reported that the schools nurses offices were supplied with the drugs and can reportedly give them to girls as young as 14 without telling their parents unless the parents opt out of the program via a letter that the school sent out informing them of this new school policy. Now think about this for just a minute here they are giving out abortion pills and birth control pills or injectable birth control to teenage girls without having to have parental consent and yet these same schools will refuse to give out even an aspirin for a headache without a parents consent. Does anyone else see the huge hypocrisy in these policies? This is nothing short of outrageous. If these teenagers are going to sneak around and have sex it would be very easy for these same teenagers to either not have given the letter to their parents that would have informed them about these policies. Or to have gotten the letter and destroy it before their parents could read it at least in some cases. Most teens if they are going to be having sex are not going to be open about it to their parents and try to hide it. So it's very possible and more than likely that the majority of these students that go to the school nurses to get these drugs are doing so without their parents knowledge. This from the school system that the parents have sent their children to for an education and they are supposed to be required by law to protect these children while they are there. Does this sound like they are protecting these children or educating them in a responsible manner?

Or it would be just as easy for any of these kids who's parents did return the forms to have a friend who's parents didn't return them to go to the nurse and get the drugs for them unless the nurses are making them take the abortion pill there where they can see them.  The Plan B abortion pill can prevent pregnancies if taken up to 72 hours after having sex. But if a pregnancy has occurred there was already a life conceived and the school district is helping these young women to kill their children. This is far past passing out condoms which is bad enough this is murder. 

Life begins at the moment of conception it's not religious dogma it is a scientific fact (that they should have already been teaching these same students in basic biology). "A scientific textbook called "Basics of Biology" gives five characteristics of living things; these five criteria are found in all modern elementary scientific textbooks:

1. Living things are highly organized.
2. All living things have an ability to acquire materials and energy.
3. All living things have an ability to respond to their environment.
4. All living things have an ability to reproduce.
5. All living things have an ability to adapt.

According to this elementary definition of life, life begins at fertilization, when a sperm unites with an oocyte.  From this moment, the being is highly organized, has the ability to acquire materials and energy, has the ability to respond to his or her environment, has the ability to adapt, and has the ability to reproduce (the cells divide, then divide again, etc., and barring pathology and pending reproductive maturity has the potential to reproduce other members of the species).  Non-living things do not do these things.  Even before the mother is aware that she is pregnant, a distinct, unique life has begun his or her existence inside her." Facts via

So the institution that is suppose to be educating and protecting these young girls is instead teaching them to have sex before marriage and then if you even think you could have gotten pregnant just take this pill and kill the baby and the sick part is it's all legal. 

According to Fox "Connecting Adolescents to Comprehensive Health, known as CATCH, is part of a citywide plan to prevent teen pregnancy. The city says about 7,000 girls get pregnant by the time they reach the age of 17. It says more than half (64%) choose to get an abortion." 

Read more:

What has our country come to when it is teaching and giving our children the things they need to be sexual immoral and then supplying them the drugs that will kill the children that they conceive after having sex. 

These drugs are not only morally wrong but they are dangerous! The birth control and the morning after pill are both hormonal drugs and they both can cause very serious side effects including stroke, heart attack, and death. These drugs are usually administered under medical supervision but there is nothing said about these schools monitoring the health of these students that are given these drugs. Also there is no research on what the long term effects for taking the morning after pill that has 2-10 times the dose of female hormones that birth control pills have. So if these girls are taking this abortion pill numerous times what could be the detrimental effects to their health later in life. It's not just the baby's that are being harmed here it's the girls themselves. 

It is only in NYC now but how many other cities are likely to start this now as well. We need to be praying that this abomination doesn't spread any further. May God help protect the unborn children and these young girls and help the U.S. to wake up before it's too late. 

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