Monday, December 31, 2012

May this New Year be a year where we will all stand up for LIFE and work harder than ever to end abortion! May we be a voice for the voiceless and work to save our unborn brothers and sisters in Christ! For Jesus taught us that we are to love one another and love our neighbor as ourselves, that we are our brother's and sister's keepers. That we are to defend and help those who are defenseless and weak. Jesus taught us that above all we are to live our lives as he did and strive to be the children of our Father who is in Heaven as he has commanded us to be! May God help us all to be as he would have us to be in this new year!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I had a person post on Voice for Hope’s Facebook page this last week in response to a post that I made on there and she that stated that aborting a fetus that doesn't have a brain isn't murder. So I made a response to her on the subject and I thought that it would be good to post it as a blog post here for reference for other Pro-lifer’s because this is a very common belief among many people that are pro-choice.

First I want to address that the reason that pro-choice people only like to call an unborn baby a clump of cells or a fetus is because they don't want to call it a baby or a child because that would make it harder to justify their belief that it is all right to kill that child. It is a tactic to dehumanize or separate emotion and reality that it is truly a living baby that they are referring too. The only difference is that it is in a different stage of it’s development (still in the womb) where you can’t see it yet with your eyes without an ultrasound machine. You need not look any further than ANY woman that wants the child that she is caring: do they go around saying "I'm going to have a fetus!" Or I just found out “I’m carrying a clump of cells!” No they say “I'm going to have a baby!” And rightly so because that is what they are going to have.

People like Abby Johnson that use to work as a director for 8 years at Planned Parenthood before she saw the light and became a very outspoken Pro-life advocate and speaker have testified that they teach their employees to always refer to the child as a fetus or a clump of cells and to NEVER under any circumstances to call a baby or a child. Because that would put the thought of what it really is into the woman's mind and she might change her mind about having the abortion. All abortion clinics use this tactic.

But it is murder to abort a baby or if you want to call it a fetus or even an embryo it's still murder. Putting another name on it doesn't change what it is. It is the taking of an innocent human life even though it is at an early stage in development. Its still murder if you kill a 2 year old or if you kill a 40 year old the only difference is their level of development: their size and age. The science of Embryology and all top Embryologists and even the top abortion advocates like Peter Singer, and David Boonin all concede and acknowledge the fact that a human being comes into existence at the moment of conception. Everything that that human being is going to be is already present and mapped out in their unique DNA at the moment of conception. All that they need is nutrition and the proper environment like any human being before or after them to continue to grow and be born.

The woman who made the comment on my post said that a fetus at 20 weeks doesn't have a brain so it’s not murder to abort it. However that’s not true a baby at 20 weeks does already have a functioning brain. The brain and its cerebral hemispheres appear and begin to grow rapidly at only 4 weeks and by 6 weeks brain activity has already begun. This is a scientific fact.  You can learn more about the development of babies in the womb and when their organs and bodily functions begin here It's a great site that has a huge amount of facts and even videos of babies from the moment of conception up right up until birth that are invaluable information for pro-lifers. So you see there is no such thing as a fetus with no brain since a fetus by its medical definition is a baby 9 weeks after fertilization and by then it already has a brain that is functioning and that is long before 20 weeks. :)
I also highly recommend this great video from Stand to Reason on this same subject. I had seen it before this came up and I had it saved in my pro-life playlist on Youtube for reference. I also posted it in my response to her as well. All pro-lifer’s should see this one and many of the other videos in this great series he makes great points on this subject and those similar to it that can be very helpful when trying to explain the truth to others.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

This is the main question that abortion hinges upon legally and for most people. Is what is the unborn? Is it a baby, is it a fetus, is it a person? The argument behind almost all reasons for abortions is that the unborn is not a human being or that it does not have the same value as a born person does.

Both of these arguments are easily refuted with simple truth and logic.

1. Every human is a human being, and every human being is a person. 

If a cat is pregnant and gives birth it has - kittens.

If a dog is pregnant and gives birth it has - puppies.

If a human being is pregnant and gives birth it has -

A human being of course. Each and every thing that can reproduce will reproduce and give birth to one of it's own kind. Humans and non-humans alike. That is a irrefutable scientific and biological fact.

If you look up the word person in the average dictionary I used Websters here you will find it defined as

Person  noun

a human being or individual

And a human being at the time of conception is a distinct and living being with it's own DNA that is unique and different from any other person's DNA before or since it's creation. It has it's own blood type usually different than that of it's mother, all of it's genetic factors have already been decided from it's bone structure, hair color, eye color, it's gender, it's skin color, it's finger prints all of these things have already been established at the very moment of conception. And the new human being is a distinct and separate individual that is different from anyone else that has ever been conceived and that ever will be conceived.

Dr. Jerome Lejeune, The "Father of Modern Genetics"  Univ. of Descarte, Paris wrote: "To accept the fact that after fertilization has taken place a new human has come into being is no longer a matter of taste or opinion ... it is plain experimental evidence." 

Dr. Alfred M. Bongioanni, professor of pediatrics and obstetrics at the University of Pennsylvania, stated: “I have learned from my earliest medical education that human life begins at the time of conception…. I submit that human life is present throughout this entire sequence from conception to adulthood and that any interruption at any point throughout this time constitutes a termination of human life…. I am no more prepared to say that these early stages [of development in the womb] represent an incomplete human being than I would be to say that the child prior to the dramatic effects of puberty…is not a human being. This is human life at every stage.”

It's scientifically and biologically irrefutable that a distinct human life begins at conception. And since the unborn baby is in fact a human being and a person the baby therefore has invaluable worth and there is no argument that would constitue the killing of an innocent human life. It would be a violation of morals and the law. A human being regardless of their age, size, sex, environment, or level of dependency is not disposable and there is no argument that can constitute the taking of an innocent human life.

Now most pro-choice people will try to steer you off of the main subject with various emotional or social arguments but the main subject here the unborn a human being and therefore a person? And we have already established that it is. When they try to steer you off on another part of an emotional argument like "but it's the woman's body and therefore should be her choice on what to do with it." Nicely but firmly steer them right back to the main part of the discussion don't let them steer you from the points.

The fact that an unborn child in the womb is indeed a person is vitally important and crucial. There is a reason that abortion clinics never use the word baby in a clinic because doing so would put the image and thought that what the woman is actually carrying is indeed a baby into the mother's mind and they might not go through with the abortion if they thought of it as anything but a fetus. So they always call the unborn child a fetus. This same practice is also used by pro-choice people for the same reason they don't want to admit that the being that is in the womb is actually human being and so they seek to dehumanize the child by calling it a fetus and never use the words baby, child, person, or even human being.

Technically even this argument isn't even accurate because the word fetus doesn't mean a non living thing or a clump of unviable tissue or a bunch of cells. The word fetus comes from the Latin which means offspring or little one. Which means a little human in the case of two humans reproducing. And if you look up fetus in the English dictionary (again I've used Webster's here) it is defined as a developing human from usually two months after conception to birth. So by it's very definition a fetus is a human being. 

It's irrefutable that a fetus is a human being and is so from the moment of conception. And therefore it is morally and ethically wrong to kill them. 

Friday, December 21, 2012

There is a new Pro-life organization and website Save the 1 who's mission is to save the 1% of children who are aborted and often even left behind by many who profess themselves to be pro-life. They are the "exceptions" the 1% exceptions that many make on abortion issues. These are the children who were conceived in rape, incest, have poor in utero diagnosis, abortion survivors, and frozen embryos, etc. They are the quote "hard cases" unquote of abortion.

It's director is well known Attorney and Pro-life Speaker Rebecca Kiessling who was herself conceived in rape so this is a project near and dear to her heart. There are many more pro-life speakers who are going to be a part of this wonderful new organization including Melissa OhdenPam Stenzel, Susan Jaramillo, Sherrie Eldridge, Ryan Scott  Bomberger, and many more still to be announced.

I am very honored to be able to be a small part of this organization in doing the web design and updates for Save the 1. I would like to thank Rebecca  for allowing me to work with her on this important cause it has been a true pleasure and honor working with her and all the others involved with Save the 1

Although the website is new and just getting started it already has some great content available and much more is going to be added on a regular basis! So all pro-lifer's need to visit and check this site regularly and follow their Facebook page for upcoming news!

Please check it out today and help support the 1%. It's time for truly no child to be left behind. It's time to stop the exceptions and for everyone especially those who say they are pro-life to stand up and be truly 100% PRO-LIFE!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

It's that time of year again Christmas is almost here and many are busy with last minute shopping, getting ready for the big Christmas get together with family and friends, and other Christmas traditions. But it's not a Merry Christmas for all this year. There are over a million new empty places that will be at the Christmas tables this year across America, those of the over 1.21 million children who were aborted this year. 

Those children will never enjoy their first Christmas or any others. I saw the graphic to the right on Facebook today from Students for Life of America and it really touched me and got me to thinking about just how many children will never get to enjoy even one Christmas that so many of us so often take for granted now as just another holiday.

It is a sobering and tragic reality that should sadden everyone in the U.S. many don't want to talk about abortion. You even mention the word and you can see many people shut down immediately before your eyes. Some don't want to hear or think about such an awful thing. Some think that it's just a political or moral choice that is private and that only brings about trouble if mentioned like religion or politics to someone who doesn't believe the same way you do. Then there are those that sadly seem totally desensitized about the whole thing, it doesn't affect them so why should they think about it or care one way or the other. But abortion is a problem that we can't afford to stay silent about any longer 1.21 million is an enormous number but that isn't looking at even half of the real picture of what abortion has truly done to our country. What everyone needs to realize and think about is that there are really over 55 million people who are missing from countless Christmas get together's this year. Because there have been an estimated 55 million children who have been killed by abortion in the U.S. since the legalization of abortion in 1973 by Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton (and there are undoubtedly even more than this because it's well known that all abortions have not been reported or took place in abortion clinics or hospitals). However 55 million is a staggering number but sadly even that's not even the tip of the iceberg when you stop and consider all of the lives that have also been lost in that those 55 million people never were allowed to live and have children of their own. So what is the real number of people who have been taken from this world and our lives through abortion? The enormity of just how many of our fellow brothers and sisters are not alive today that should be, should both sadden and humble every single American. 

So while you are gathered together with your family and friends at your Christmas celebration this year. Please take the time and just stop and think of the countless children and people who are missing from yours and other celebrations and homes all across our country. Take a moment to observe a moment of silence and pray for all those precious lives that are lost to us forever, and for all of the women who have been hurt (many of them scarred for life) by those same abortions. But above all please take the time and pray for an end to abortion soon so that over 3,500 more children every single day in America won't suffer the same fate as those millions before them. 

My friends Christmas was started in observance of another child who was born in Bethlehem in a manger over 2000 years ago. Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was once an embryo, a fetus, and an unborn child in his mother's womb as well. He was born into this world so that we all might have hope, and he suffered and died so that all of us might LIVE. Jesus loves every single human being on this earth and he was born and died for all of us including every single child in their mother's womb. Every single life is important and sacred to him just as it should be to all of us.

So starting this year this Christmas it's a perfect time that we all start looking at life and treating life the way that Jesus does and has commanded us all too. It's time to stop being silent, apathetic, and politically correct and start talking about the very real horror that is going on all around us every day in the U.S. that is abortion. Things will not change with silence and if we continue to turn our heads and ignore the killing of our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. We ARE our brother's keeper just like it says in the Bible. God and Jesus are watching us every second and there will come a day when we must give an account to them for what we have done and have not done in this life. We need to all ask ourselves how will we be able to answer when they ask us what did we do about abortion?

Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Some of the easiest and best ways to get people to stop, take notice, and listen to what you are saying online and even in everyday life is if you share an eye catching image. So I am always on the lookout for great pro-life graphics to share on Facebook and my other social networking sites. Some of the graphics I have found say the message loud and clear without needing many words at all. And others with a combination of the image and the words on them can really deliver a truly powerful message to all who see it! I wanted to take the time today to share a few of the best graphics and pro-life cartoons that I have collected recently. Some may not be really new but their messages are still priceless and desperately needed in the pro-abortion world that we live in today! 
Please feel free to share these on your own social networking sites and link to the great pro-life sites that posted them (I have listed links with the images that I know for sure what sites or groups they came from. If no site was listed the source wasn't listed where I saw the images online almost all of these I got via Facebook. No copyright infringement is intended in anyway.) These can make a person stop and think sometimes where they may not have before. They are a great easy way to get a conversation started on pro-life issues. If you can open the door God willing you will have a chance to change people's hearts and minds and you might just save some lives! :)
This might become a regular post here on Voice for Hope let me know if you like the idea! :) Also if you have a pro-life story that you would like to share please contact me via the contact page and I might feature your story soon on Voice for Hope! 

The rest of these I'm not sure where they are from but they are AWESOME! 
So much truth in these please share! 

I am also adding a page for graphics that I have personally made myself HERE. The permanent link has now been added to the menu as well. Please check back often for more graphics as I will be adding them as I make them.  I have several more in mind that I am going to be making very soon God willing.  Please share the graphics on your social media sites and blogs and help me spread the word. If you wouldn't mind I would very much appreciate a link back so that others might find out about Voice for Hope and that it might continue to grow! I'm almost up to 100 likes now on the VOH Facebook page! It's at 88 now and I would love to see it reach a 100 before the end of the year. The VOH Twitter followers is current at 61 and it would be so great to see both the Facebook and Twitter followers hit 100 by the end of the year but I can't do it alone I need your help to spread the word. If you would tell your friends and family about Voice for Hope I would be so grateful. I also want to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have already followed and liked Voice for Hope! Your support and comments mean so much to me! God bless you all and keep standing up for and being a voice for the voiceless! Let's be their voice for hope!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Wednesday I posted about Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton and about how many don't really know or realize what those cases truly did and made legal for abortion in all 50 states. Today I want to talk about another aspect of both of those landmark cases that many don't know and that the media has helped to cover up in their almost overwhelming support of abortion ever since the rulings of those cases back in 1973.

Both Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton were both built upon lies, deceit, manipulation, and in the words of one of the plaintiffs in one of the cases fraud. NEITHER case by the admission of both of women who were used as the plaintiffs in these cases were based on truth. Which begs the question why with these now known facts have these two cases not been retried and the judgments and decisions in both cases reviewed and indeed overthrown with vast new evidence in recent years on so many fronts that were fundamentally involved in both cases?

"Jane Roe" of the Roe v. Wade lawsuit, whose real name is Norma McCorvey was a very troubled young woman in 1969 and was pregnant with her third child that she did not want. Friends had advised McCorvey to say that she had been raped and she would then be eligible to obtain a legal abortion (with the understanding that Texas's pro-life laws allowed abortion in the cases of rape and incest). But due to lack of police evidence or documentation, the scheme was not successful and McCorvey would later admit the situation was a total fabrication. She was never raped. She also attempted to obtain an illegal abortion but the clinics that she went to had been closed down by authorities. Eventually, McCorvey was referred to attorneys Linda Coffee and Sarah Weddington who took her case (still based on the false accusation that McCorvey was raped and by the time the case had gotten to trial the lie had ballooned into that she had been gang raped) all the way to the Supreme Court. In the meantime in the time that it took for the case to make it through the courts, McCorvey had given birth to the baby in question, who was eventually adopted. McCorvey never had an abortion herself before or after the famous Roe case. Norma McCorvey revealed herself to the press as being "Jane Roe" of the decision within days of its issuance and stated that she had sought an abortion because she was unemployable and greatly depressed. In the 1980s, McCorvey asserted that she had been the "pawn" of two young and ambitious lawyers (Weddington and Coffee) who were looking for a plaintiff with whom they could challenge the Texas state law prohibiting abortion.

I highly recommend you read her story here it's very eye opening on many points about McCorvey as a person and on the details behind the scenes and what really led up to the Roe case.

Norma McCorvey while working at an abortion clinic in 1995 was befriended by several pro-life advocates and went through a very dramatic change. She was converted and became a Christian. Since then she has become a very outspoken pro-life speakers and advocate as well. McCorvey has since dedicated the rest of her life to helping end the Holocaust of abortion and to see the law that she helped pass overturned. 
On January 21, 1998 McCorvey spoke before the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Federalism, and Property Rights of the Senate Judiciary Committee 105th Congress, 2nd Session. (You may read the entire transcript here...

She had this to say “My name is Norma McCorvey. I’m sorry to admit that I’m the Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade. The affidavit submitted to the Supreme Court didn’t happen the way I said it did, pure and simple. I lied! Sarah Weddington and Linda Coffey needed an extreme case to make their client look pitiable. Rape seemed to be the ticket. What made rape even worse? A gang rape! It all started out as a little lie, but my little lie grew and became more horrible with each telling.”

"Not only did I lie, but I was lied to. I did not come to the Supreme Court on behalf of a class of women. I wasn't pursuing any legal remedy for my unwanted pregnancy. I did not go to the federal courts for relief. I met with Sarah Weddington to find out how I could obtain an abortion. She and Linda Coffey said they didn't know where to get one. Sarah already had an abortion but she lied to me just like I lied to her! She knew where to get one, obviously, but I was of no use to her unless I was pregnant. Sarah and Linda were looking for somebody, anybody, to use to further their own agenda. I was their most willing dupe.

Since all these lies succeeded in dismantling every state's protection of the unborn, I think it's fair to say that the entire abortion industry is based on a lie.”

Likewise and even more disturbing in it's own way is the true story behind Doe v. Bolton. "Mary Doe" of the companion case whose real name is Sandra Cano was a pregnant mother who was seeking a divorce from an extremely abusive husband (after being the victim of domestic violence for many years) and was also looking for legal help in getting her other three children back who had been taken from her and put into foster care. She never went to the lawyers looking for an abortion and she has sworn under oath that she never wanted an abortion at all nor asked for one at any time. She had always been pro-life and didn't believe in abortion. Abortion was never even mentioned. However she soon became the focal point of the lawsuit that was Doe v. Bolton and was used to legalize abortion on demand and the horrifying partial birth abortions. 

Doe allegations stated that on March 25, 1970 Doe applied to the Abortion Committee of Grady Memorial Hospital, Atlanta, for a therapeutic abortion . . . Her application was supposedly denied 16 days later, on April 10, when she was eight weeks pregnant. Because her application was denied, she was forced either to relinquish "her right to decide when and how many children she will bear" or to seek an abortion that was illegal under the Georgia statutes.

This is not what happened as Sandra Cano has since testified in court and before Congress. She states implicitly "Abortion is against every belief I have. I've never been for abortion. I never went for an abortion. I was not the person they say I was. This case was based on lies." Sandra states that her lawyer, Margie Pitts Hames, tricked her into signing the affidavit that formed the basis of the plaintiff's charges in Doe. "I do not believe it is my signature on the affidavit, and Margie either forged my signature or slipped this document in with other papers while I was signing divorce papers. I never told Margie that I wanted an abortion. The facts stated in the affidavit in Doe v. Bolton are not true." 

There is no record at Grady memorial hospital of her alleged application for an abortion and the hospital has no records of ever treating Cano or even reviewing her case. In fact, she says, she was so opposed to the idea of having an abortion that when her mother and Hames tried to make her have one later on during the case she fled to Oklahoma until they promised that she could keep her child! But Hames managed to persuade her to return and appear in court as a plaintiff in the initial hearing of the Doe case also under false reasons. Then Cano was told that she would appear in the courtroom but that she would not get to speak or even tell anyone her name. Cano stated that "The way she phrased it to me, it was a woman's liberation right. She said, "If you're working a job, and you're doing the same job as a man, don't you want to make the same salary?" I said, "Well, of course." So that's what I thought the issue was about and everything. It's really hard for people to believe something like that. God knows my heart. He knows the truth. I really was that naive and that stupid."

After the end of the case and the decision had been handed down and Sandra Cano learned what all had truly transpired in Doe v. Bolton Sandra tried to get the courts and media to hear her side of the story but they ignored her and refused to let her tell her story. She fought unsuccessfully for many years to have her case records unsealed but was unsuccessful. Finally in 1988, Cano went to some Christian lawyers (one of whom was Michael Farris, who now heads the Home School Legal Defense Foundation) once again to try and have her records unsealed. Hames objected, telling the court that there was nothing more to be gained, that the case was decided 16 years before and that was that. But this time the records were unsealed, and Farris says he was sure enough of the fraud they contained that he and attorney Wendell Byrd asked to have the entire case reopened. That motion was denied, because by then, the law against abortion had been struck from Georgia's books.

Other legal professionals and some people in state legislator have befriended Cano and have worked to verify Cano's story they have an impressive stack of documents to show she's telling the truth. They have letters from attorneys and hospitals, Supreme Court transcripts and affidavits.  

Plaques signed by Norma McCorvey and Sandra Cano - March 23, 1997. These plaques can be seen at the National Memorial for the Unborn.




Sandra has kept good on her promise she has since then started her own Pro-life ministry and is an adamant pro-life advocate. 

In 2003, she went to court herself in an attempt to reverse Doe, arguing that new laws and scientific evidence provide justification for overturning the 1973 decision. The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia denied Ms. Cano's motion to reconsider Doe on procedural grounds. 

On June 23, 2005, for the first time, members of the United States Congress heard the truth about the Doe v. Bolton case from Sandra herself. She testified before the United States Judiciary Sub-committee on the Constitution.

She testified, "The Doe v. Bolton Supreme Court decision bears my name. I am Sandra Cano, the former ''Doe'' of Doe v. Bolton. Doe v. Bolton is the companion case to Roe v. Wade. Using my name and life, Doe v. Bolton falsely created the health exception that led to abortion on demand and partial birth abortion. How it got there is still pretty much a mystery to me. I only sought legal assistance to get a divorce from my husband and to get my children from foster care. I was very vulnerable: poor and pregnant with my fourth child, but abortion never crossed my mind. Although it apparently was utmost in the mind of the attorney from whom I sought help. At one point during the legal proceedings, it was necessary for me to flee to Oklahoma to avoid the pressure being applied to have the abortion scheduled for me by this same attorney.

Please understand even though I have lived what many would consider an unstable life and overcome many devastating circumstances, at 
NO TIME did I ever have an abortion. l did not seek an abortion nor do I believe in abortion. Yet my name and life is now forever linked with the slaughter of 40-50 million babies.

I have tried to understand how it all happened. How did my divorce and child custody case become the basis by which bloody murder is done on infants thriving in the wombs of their mothers? How can cunning, wicked lawyers use an uneducated, defenseless pregnant woman to twist the American court system in such a fraudulent way? Doe has been a nightmare.

Over the last 32 years, I have become a prisoner of the case. It took me until 1988 to get my records unsealed in order for me to try and find the answer to those questions and to join in the movement to stop abortion in America. When pro abortion advocates found out about my efforts, my car was vandalized on one occasion and at another time, someone shot at me while I was on my front porch holding my grandbaby.

I am angry. I feel like my name, life, and identity have been stolen and put on this case without my knowledge and against my wishes. How dare they use my name and my life this way!

One of the Justices of the Supreme Court said during oral argument in my case "What does it matter if she is real or not." 
Well I am real and it does matter.

I was in court under a false name and lies. I was never cross-examined in court. Doe v. Bolton is based on a lie and deceit. It needs to be retried or overturned. Doe v. Bolton is against my wishes. Abortion is wrong. I love children. I would never harm a child and yet because of this case I feel like I bear the guilt of over 46 million innocent children being killed. The Supreme Court is also guilty. The bottom line is I want abortion stopped in my name. I want the case which was supposedly to benefit me, be either overturned or retried. If it is retried, at least I will have an opportunity to speak for myself in court, something that never happened before. My lawyers at The Justice Foundation have collected affidavits from over one thousand women hurt by abortion. We have filed those affidavits and a Rule 60 Motion to reverse Doe which is now on its way to the Supreme Court through the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta. I am also giving you a copy of my affidavit in the case. Millions of babies have been killed. Millions of women have been hurt horribly. It is time to get my name and life out of this case and its time to stop the killing."

You can read the full transcript here .

With it being common knowledge now that both cases were based upon false evidence and lies WHY have these cases not been retried and overturned? WHY with the sworn affidavits of both of these women that the very cases themselves were based upon stating that they were founded on lies, falsehoods, and yes even fraud WHY do they still stand and are costing thousands of innocent lives everyday? These cases are nothing short of a disgrace and a mockery of the judicial system and of the founding principles of the United States themselves. 
Those who wanted to see abortion legalized pushed through these falsified cases and under the gross Unconstitutional judgments that were handed down by those judges in the Supreme Court they have cost our country more than can ever be truly be realized. I find especially sickening and extremely sad that the judges in these cases used the 14 Amendment that so emphatically states that no one shall deprive any person of life to legalize the murder of so many innocent and defenseless U.S. citizens. The 14 Amendment states - " All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." 

They took one small peace of that Amendment (the due process clause) and ruled by a vote of 7-2 that a right to privacy under the due process clause of the 14th Amendment would overshadow the right to life for countless human beings who were and are U.S.citizens. SERIOUSLY think about that logically for just a moment. One person's right to privacy justifies them killing another innocent human being.? Under that kind of warped thinking wouldn't any murder be justified because the killer's right to privacy? Just a thought…but it is an extremely scary one! When you open the door to that kind of thinking, where can you legally and morally close it again for other situations? When another person's life can be decided on the by the choice or opinion of another my friends all LIFE at every stage is in danger. It started with abortion but it is quickly going down the slippery slope to opening even more right to life issues. You need look no further than the recent attempts to legalize doctor assisted suicide /euthanasia in several states.

In their decision to legalize abortion which takes the LIFE of an innocent person who is a child and a citizen of the United States they violated not only the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of our country but all of the beliefs that our forefathers founded our great country upon. And yes it is another person's life. Why that should have been such a hard question for supposedly very well educated people as the judges and lawyers in these cases is nothing short of pathetic. Our forefathers realized that children in the womb were people their personhood didn't come into question back then and it never should have been an issue in the first place in these cases it's absurd honestly. Every human being is a person and every unborn child in their mothers womb is a human being from the moment of conception. It is both a religious and a well known and accepted scientific fact. Top embryologists, geneticists, biologists and all kinds of physicians in various fields agree that a distinct and new life of a human being is present at the very moment of conception. These are not new revelations they have been widely known and accepted in the medical and scientific fields for many, many years. You need not look any further than even the most basic textbooks of Human Embryology and Biology that "human life" begins at fertilization, or conception, which is the same as fertilization and they have been there for over a century. 

Read this great article here on the subject by Dr.  C. Ward Kischer Ph.D. He states it perfectly in his article, "Abortion, partial birth abortion, in-vitro fertilization, human fetal research, human embryo research, cloning and stem cell research are all core issues of Human Embryology. Yet, in all of the Supreme Court cases since 1973 and at all of the Congressional hearings on these issues, no human embryologist has been called as a witness and no reference to Human Embryology has ever been made. Further, among the NIH Human Embryo Research Advisory Panel, the National Bioethics Advisory Commission, and President Bush's Council on Bioethics, no human embryologist was appointed as a member, nor called as a witness.

Justice Harry Blackmun wrote in the Roe v Wade decision: "we need not resolve the difficult question of when life begins." Blackmun smeared the distinction between the biological (or embryological) meaning with the legal meaning, and conflated the two into his declaration. His inference was that he was talking about biological life without specifically stating so.

From this source followed a science of Human Embryology that has been parsed and perverted, revised and redefined, changed and corrupted. In fact, the transcripts of President Bush's Council on Bioethics clearly show how extreme the adulteration of the science of Human Embryology has become. The media have especially ignored Human Embryology in their many articles on the core issues. The media have preferentially published a distortion of this science while totally ignoring the many references available for factual information. The impact of this on public policy has been staggering. 

Every one of the core issues identified above is ultimately distilled down to the question of "When Does Human Life Begin?"

The answer is there in the textbooks of Human Embryology, that "human life" begins at fertilization, or conception, which is the same as fertilization. It has always been there, at least for 100 years."

Again you can read the rest of this great article at 

The Declaration of Independence states boldly - "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

How very sad how truly far our country has fell from it's great beginnings and how blind, disillusioned, and callus have it's people become when they would deny the first great right of all, that of LIFE, to their fellow human beings. For without the right to life all other rights are meaningless and irrelevant. 

Those judges and lawyers are responsible for the legalized murder and legal holocaust of over 55 million U.S. citizens and legalized the greatest breach of human rights ever to be allowed. Because abortion truly is at it's very core the greatest civil rights violation ever. How is it so different than that of slavery? Both tried to take away the rights of a group of human beings. And just as the evil of slavery was abolished the evil of abortion should be abolished as well!

I pray that God will have mercy on the U.S. and help us to see these abominable cases retried and these laws abolished once and for all very soon. That the men and women of the U.S. will once again embrace a way of life that allows for the LIFE of everyone not just themselves and their loved ones, but for every human being. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

This is a question that comes up a lot when you start to talk to people in depth about abortion. I have found personally that many people aren't really aware of the real facts and laws about abortion. Many people still think that abortions are only legal for a certain period of time early on in a pregnancy like in the first and possibly second trimesters. Many think that late term abortions are still illegal at least in most states. So it is extremely shocking to many to find out that indeed abortion is actually legal up until the very moment of birth for any reason and in all 50 states.

When many people are told this by pro-lifers some question whether it's really true or if we are over exaggerating what the law really allows because of our pro-life beliefs and trying to make abortion sound "worse" than it really is. I have had people tell me personally that they thought that late term abortions were still illegal. But the sad fact of the matter is as stated above abortions are completely and 100% legal anytime during a pregnancy in the U.S. from the time of conception until the very moment of birth and for any reason due to the way that the laws were written.

So I wanted to make this blog post to help show others briefly what the laws say and to show. As well as that is not just something that Pro-lifer's are making up to try and further our views on the matter. I'm offering just a short summary of the cases here. I won't go into all the legal wording and points of both cases due to time, however I will post links at the end of the post to where if you can find transcripts and the actual audio from both cases if you would like to learn more about them.

Almost everyone has heard of Roe v. Wade that legalized abortion in all 50 states in the U.S. in 1973, but many have never heard of and aren't even aware that it wasn't the only case that the Supreme Court ruled on in 1973 to legalize abortion. Roe v. Wade actually had a companion case called Doe v. Bolton whose decision in fact was handed down on the same day as Roe on January 22, 1973. The way that the cases were presented and ruled on made it to where Roe actually legalized abortion by ruling that a right to privacy under the >clause of the 14th Amendment extended to a woman's decision to have an abortion. But that right must be balanced against the state's two legitimate interests in regulating abortions: protecting prenatal life and protecting women's health. Arguing that these state interests became stronger over the course of a pregnancy, the Court resolved this by tying state regulation of abortion to the trimester of pregnancy. 

 The Court later rejected Roe's trimester framework, while affirming Roe's central holding that a person has a right to abortion until "viability" which they ruled to be "potentially able to live outside the mother's womb, albeit with artificial aid", adding that viability is usually placed at about seven months (28 weeks) but may occur earlier, even at 24 weeks. Now what Roe didn't legalize Doe came in and finished. Doe v. Bolton (again that was decided on the same day as Roe) removed the rest of the restrictions that Roe didn't legalize by it's broad definition of "health" in the life of the mother exception. In the court's opinion in Doe stated that a woman could obtain an abortion even after "viability" if necessary to protect her health. The key to this is their very broad definition of health which they defined as follows... 

"Whether, in the words of the Georgia statute, "an abortion is necessary" is a professional judgment that the Georgia physician will be called upon to make routinely. We agree with the District Court, 319 F. Supp., at 1058, that the medical judgment may be exercised in the light of all factors - physical, emotional, psychological, familial, and the woman's age - relevant to the well-being of the patient. All these factors may relate to health."

With their very liberal and broad definition of health in light of all these factors that they ruled made it to where any condition that might impact a woman's physical, emotional, psychological or financial well being could be used to obtain an abortion. This effectively wiped out the viability restriction of Roe as well as paved a clear path for abortion on demand for the full nine months of pregnancy. 

Let's make that doubly clear just so there is no confusion on that matter their definition and clause of  accept in the "health or life of the mother" is not what many think that it means. It does not mean that a woman's life must be in extreme danger as one would logically think by that phrase. No, not at all by the Supreme Courts definition it means she can state any reason that might hinder her well being in anyway as a grounds for an abortion. For an example she could state that she would be put under extreme emotional stress due to financial situations because of the pregnancy etc. and therefore the pregnancy is endangering her emotional and physical health. Another example of how easily this can be manipulated is the mother could say that she is going through psychological problems such as depression or anxiety and the pregnancy is making the condition worse and is therefore damaging to her health. Sickeningly if a woman even said that she had bad nausea and heartburn that could qualify her for an abortion legally. The courts extremely broad and virtually interminable definition of the health of the mother restriction is in reality as you can see no restriction at all. It has allowed abortions to be available to women up until the very moment of birth for truly any reason. In essence Roe opened the door and Doe broke down all the rest of the restrictions and barriers for abortion  that were left and that allowed for the system that we still have in place today of abortion on demand and for any reason up until the moment of birth.

I want to share this article that I read several months back on . It was written by Kelly Clinger and she graciously has gave me her permission to re-post it here. Thank you so much Kelly. Please read this and please share it with others people need to know that things like this are still going on every day all over the U.S. and it's a perfect example of how women are getting late term abortions for any reason. 

Twenty weeks pregnant with twins, but last week she had an abortion
by Kelly Clinger

Wednesday is late term abortion day at Orlando Women’s Center (the clinic where I had my abortions 12 years ago). When I first started visiting the sidewalks of abortion clinics to pray and minister, I had no idea that late term abortions were even legal. I remember hearing about the Partial Birth Abortion Ban in 2007 and assumed (like most) that this stopped abortions late in a woman’s pregnancy.

Shock can’t even begin to describe my feeling when I first counseled on late term day. “These girls are so pregnant,” I kept thinking to myself. Of course that’s silly since there’s no such thing as being a “little pregnant”, but I couldn’t get over the size of their beautiful bellies so full of life. These women have felt their babies kick. Many of them even know the sex of the child and this is sometimes the reason for the abortion. These girls have carried these babies for six months. They are more than halfway done!

I just cried and cried. I couldn’t even speak at first. Not only is the size of their bellies overwhelming but the hardness of their hearts is just as shocking. I began to think about family members, friends, and co-workers of these girls who know they are pregnant. Is our society so lacking of accountability that they will return to their lives and no one will think this is a problem?

This past Wednesday my friend John posted a picture of a girl who arrived at OWC to abort her twin baby girls. She already had daughters and didn’t want anymore. She was about 20 weeks along, but because she was pregnant with twins, she had a big belly. Within a few hours, the picture went viral. I began to get phone calls and emails from friends who had no idea abortions like these happen. Many offered financial help and many offered to adopt her babies. Thousands of people all of over the world were praying that this girl would change her mind…and thousands were saying the picture was a hoax or that what she was doing was illegal.

I found myself repeating over and over again, “Abortion is legal in America up to the day you give birth.” In fact, in our nation’s capital, there are two doctors who “specialize” in abortions this late in pregnancy. One of those doctors has been working with a suspended license for several years. The Partial Birth Abortion Ban only stopped the use of that procedure late in a woman’s pregnancy. Now, as long as the baby is dismembered before removing him or her from the womb, it’s perfectly legal. Look up the laws in your state. Keep in mind that in any state that has exceptions for the health of the mother, this can mean that if a woman has bad heartburn that’s a threat to her health. A late term abortion starts around $2,000 and can go up to about $15,000 depending on how far along a woman is in her pregnancy.

I’ve been to the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC. They have piles and piles of hair shaved off of Jews in the concentration camps. They have millions of pairs of shoes belonging to children who were killed simply because they were Jewish. The pictures of thousands of dead bodies piled on top of each other are shocking and appalling. At one point I decided I couldn’t look anymore. I was disgusted that this could happen without a revolution rising to overthrow a government that would accept murder as status quo.

I know it’s controversial to say this, but abortion truly is the holocaust of my generation. What if we had the bodies of 50,000,000 babies piled on top of each other in a museum somewhere? What if we took all of the clothes they will never wear and toys they will never play with and you had to pay to see them? If each of us had to watch a late term abortion, surely there would be a revolution, right? After the Holocaust ended, German civilians were taken to Buchenwald concentration camp to see the atrocities that happened there. Over and over they were heard saying, “We didn’t know.” Now, because of the internet and social media, we have no excuse for ignorance. The hands of America are covered with blood…perhaps her eyes and ears are covered as well.

The girl I mentioned earlier ended up aborting the twin girls in her womb even though we had every kind of help she would ever need ready for her. She admitted that she didn’t want girls and that she had no compassion for the babies she was carrying. Through a two day process, she actually had to go into labor and deliver her sweet babies into a toilet. Abortions like these happen all over the country every day. I hope that this girl’s picture made many so outraged that they are provoked to do something. When I spend hours on the Planned Parenthood sidewalk alone, I want to cry out “WHERE IS THE CHURCH?”

This article shocked me even though I knew that things like this do go on all the time but knowing it and reading about the details of it and seeing the picture makes it really hit home even more. This kind of story is playing out all over our country everyday. There countless free programs out there to help mothers with crisis pregnancies, as well as crisis pregnancy centers that offer life giving assistance to women and their children free of charge, there are positive solutions and options available to every woman. And every woman and child deserves better than abortion. There are so many loving people that are praying and waiting to adopt a baby who would love those children that others want to abort with all their hearts as their very own. But there are those out there who like this woman have bought into the lies that have been spread and poisoned so many women's and men's minds in the U.S. since the legalization of abortion, that abortion is a quick and easy fix to their problem.

That is why it is more vital than ever to try to get the truth out there and to stop being silent about this issue! It's time to stop worrying about about being politically correct and worrying if by telling the truth that can save women from so much pain and save so many lives we might hurt someone's feelings. We need to be thinking more about that while we remain silent and don't talk about abortion that close to four thousand more children will continue to be killed in the U.S. everyday and being silent and choosing to ignore the problem is not going to stop it. Make no mistake we will all answer for our actions one day whether we do good or whether we do evil and if we knew to do something good and don't we will answer for that too. This is truly a life or death issue and everyone is needed to help speak out and help to change people's minds and hearts by showing them in a lovingly way the truth about what abortion really is and does. Help pregnant women and their children by showing them that there are healthy and good alternatives that will help them and their babies to live happy lives and that abortion is not the answer. It only hurts the mother and kills the child. Don't be silent any longer you never know just how many lives you can truly change and how many lives you just might save by talking to others about abortion and helping them to see the truth.

There are other ways that each and every one of us can help fight abortion you can call and write your elected officials and tell them to ban abortion and to Defund Planned Parenthood from getting federal funding and using your tax dollars to pay for and further abortion. There are even several organizations that have already done most of this leg work for you and you can easily send these messages to your elected officials both locally and federally by filling out pre-made forms on these issues see these great tools at and

Every life matters and every life can be touched and transformed by the actions of another. Please come back Thursday for a special post about another thing that many don't realize and maybe have never heard. I'm going to be posting about how both Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton were both based upon lies, deceit, manipulation, and according to one of the plaintiffs fraud from start to finish. It's no surprise that the main stream media has tried to keep this under wraps for so long but its past time that the truth was known and that people really start to see just how corrupt and unjust these laws were and how they were equally and unjustly passed. 

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