Saturday, December 22, 2012
This is the main question that abortion hinges upon legally and for most people. Is what is the unborn? Is it a baby, is it a fetus, is it a person? The argument behind almost all reasons for abortions is that the unborn is not a human being or that it does not have the same value as a born person does.
Both of these arguments are easily refuted with simple truth and logic.
1. Every human is a human being, and every human being is a person.

If a dog is pregnant and gives birth it has - puppies.
If a human being is pregnant and gives birth it has -?
A human being of course. Each and every thing that can reproduce will reproduce and give birth to one of it's own kind. Humans and non-humans alike. That is a irrefutable scientific and biological fact.
If you look up the word person in the average dictionary I used Websters here you will find it defined as
Person noun
And a human being at the time of conception is a distinct and living being with it's own DNA that is unique and different from any other person's DNA before or since it's creation. It has it's own blood type usually different than that of it's mother, all of it's genetic factors have already been decided from it's bone structure, hair color, eye color, it's gender, it's skin color, it's finger prints all of these things have already been established at the very moment of conception. And the new human being is a distinct and separate individual that is different from anyone else that has ever been conceived and that ever will be conceived.
a human being or individual
Dr. Jerome Lejeune, The "Father of Modern Genetics" Univ. of Descarte, Paris wrote: "To accept the fact that after fertilization has taken place a new human has come into being is no longer a matter of taste or opinion ... it is plain experimental evidence."
Dr. Alfred M. Bongioanni, professor of pediatrics and obstetrics at the University of Pennsylvania, stated: “I have learned from my earliest medical education that human life begins at the time of conception…. I submit that human life is present throughout this entire sequence from conception to adulthood and that any interruption at any point throughout this time constitutes a termination of human life…. I am no more prepared to say that these early stages [of development in the womb] represent an incomplete human being than I would be to say that the child prior to the dramatic effects of puberty…is not a human being. This is human life at every stage.”
It's scientifically and biologically irrefutable that a distinct human life begins at conception. And since the unborn baby is in fact a human being and a person the baby therefore has invaluable worth and there is no argument that would constitue the killing of an innocent human life. It would be a violation of morals and the law. A human being regardless of their age, size, sex, environment, or level of dependency is not disposable and there is no argument that can constitute the taking of an innocent human life.
Now most pro-choice people will try to steer you off of the main subject with various emotional or social arguments but the main subject here the unborn a human being and therefore a person? And we have already established that it is. When they try to steer you off on another part of an emotional argument like "but it's the woman's body and therefore should be her choice on what to do with it." Nicely but firmly steer them right back to the main part of the discussion don't let them steer you from the points.
The fact that an unborn child in the womb is indeed a person is vitally important and crucial. There is a reason that abortion clinics never use the word baby in a clinic because doing so would put the image and thought that what the woman is actually carrying is indeed a baby into the mother's mind and they might not go through with the abortion if they thought of it as anything but a fetus. So they always call the unborn child a fetus. This same practice is also used by pro-choice people for the same reason they don't want to admit that the being that is in the womb is actually human being and so they seek to dehumanize the child by calling it a fetus and never use the words baby, child, person, or even human being.
Technically even this argument isn't even accurate because the word fetus doesn't mean a non living thing or a clump of unviable tissue or a bunch of cells. The word fetus comes from the Latin which means offspring or little one. Which means a little human in the case of two humans reproducing. And if you look up fetus in the English dictionary (again I've used Webster's here) it is defined as a developing human from usually two months after conception to birth. So by it's very definition a fetus is a human being.
It's irrefutable that a fetus is a human being and is so from the moment of conception. And therefore it is morally and ethically wrong to kill them.

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