May this New Year be a year where we will all stand up for LIFE and work harder than ever to end abortion! May we be a voice for the voiceless and work to save our unborn brothers and sisters in Christ! For Jesus taught us that we are to love one another and love our neighbor as ourselves, that we are our brother's and sister's keepers. That we are to defend and help those who are defenseless and weak. Jesus taught us that above all we are to live our lives as he did and strive to be the children of our Father who is in Heaven as he has commanded us to be! May God help us all to be as he would have us to be in this new year!

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It seems as if the sky is getting darker all around us- 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, second inauguration of Obama, HHS mandate, attempts to introduce abortion even in Ireland- and yet I feel a strange sense of peace about the new year.