Wednesday, December 26, 2012
First I want to address that the reason that pro-choice
people only like to call an unborn baby a clump of cells or a fetus is because
they don't want to call it a baby or a child because that would make it harder
to justify their belief that it is all right to kill that child. It is a tactic
to dehumanize or separate emotion and reality that it is truly a living baby
that they are referring too. The only difference is that it is in a different stage
of it’s development (still in the womb) where you can’t see it yet with your eyes
without an ultrasound machine. You need not look any further than ANY woman
that wants the child that she is caring: do they go around saying "I'm
going to have a fetus!" Or I just found out “I’m carrying a clump of
cells!” No they say “I'm going to have a baby!” And rightly so because that is
what they are going to have.
People like Abby Johnson that use to work as a director for 8
years at Planned Parenthood before she saw the light and became a very
outspoken Pro-life advocate and speaker have testified that they teach their
employees to always refer to the child as a fetus or a clump of cells and to
NEVER under any circumstances to call a baby or a child. Because that would put
the thought of what it really is into the woman's mind and she might change her
mind about having the abortion. All abortion clinics use this tactic.
But it is murder to abort a baby or if you want to call it a
fetus or even an embryo it's still murder. Putting another name on it doesn't change what it is. It is the taking of an innocent human life even though it is
at an early stage in development. Its still murder if you kill a 2 year old or
if you kill a 40 year old the only difference is their level of development:
their size and age. The science of Embryology and all top Embryologists and
even the top abortion advocates like Peter Singer, and David Boonin all concede
and acknowledge the fact that a human being comes into existence at the moment
of conception. Everything that that human being is going to be is already
present and mapped out in their unique DNA at the moment of conception. All that
they need is nutrition and the proper environment like any human being before
or after them to continue to grow and be born.
The woman who made the comment on my post said that a fetus at 20 weeks doesn't have a brain so it’s not murder to abort it. However that’s not true a baby at
20 weeks does already have a functioning brain. The brain and its cerebral
hemispheres appear and begin to grow rapidly at only 4 weeks and by 6 weeks brain
activity has already begun. This is a scientific fact. You can learn more about the development of
babies in the womb and when their organs and bodily functions begin here
It's a great site that has a huge amount of facts and even videos of babies
from the moment of conception up right up until birth that are invaluable information for pro-lifers. So you see there is no
such thing as a fetus with no brain since a fetus by its medical definition is
a baby 9 weeks after fertilization and by then it already has a brain that is
functioning and that is long before 20 weeks. :)
I also highly recommend this great video from Stand to
Reason on this same subject. I had seen it before this came up and I had it
saved in my pro-life playlist on Youtube for reference. I also posted it in my response to
her as well. All pro-lifer’s should see this one and many of the other videos in this great series he makes great points on this
subject and those similar to it that can be very helpful when trying to explain
the truth to others.

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