Friday, September 28, 2012
This story will shock a lot of people I know it did me when I first heard it. This is just another example of how far the United States has moved away from it's true moral values to a country that embraces sinful and loose lifestyles that only lead to heartache and death. According to Fox news where I first read the story New York City schools have started giving out the abortion pill known as the morning after or "Plan B" pill and birth control to students at 13 different high schools. This is the next steps I suppose after handing out condoms to kids but it's past sickening.
The NYC Department of Education is giving out the morning after abortion pills and other birth control to students at 13 different city high schools across the city. They reported that the schools nurses offices were supplied with the drugs and can reportedly give them to girls as young as 14 without telling their parents unless the parents opt out of the program via a letter that the school sent out informing them of this new school policy. Now think about this for just a minute here they are giving out abortion pills and birth control pills or injectable birth control to teenage girls without having to have parental consent and yet these same schools will refuse to give out even an aspirin for a headache without a parents consent. Does anyone else see the huge hypocrisy in these policies? This is nothing short of outrageous. If these teenagers are going to sneak around and have sex it would be very easy for these same teenagers to either not have given the letter to their parents that would have informed them about these policies. Or to have gotten the letter and destroy it before their parents could read it at least in some cases. Most teens if they are going to be having sex are not going to be open about it to their parents and try to hide it. So it's very possible and more than likely that the majority of these students that go to the school nurses to get these drugs are doing so without their parents knowledge. This from the school system that the parents have sent their children to for an education and they are supposed to be required by law to protect these children while they are there. Does this sound like they are protecting these children or educating them in a responsible manner?
Or it would be just as easy for any of these kids who's parents did return the forms to have a friend who's parents didn't return them to go to the nurse and get the drugs for them unless the nurses are making them take the abortion pill there where they can see them. The Plan B abortion pill can prevent pregnancies if taken up to 72 hours after having sex. But if a pregnancy has occurred there was already a life conceived and the school district is helping these young women to kill their children. This is far past passing out condoms which is bad enough this is murder.
Or it would be just as easy for any of these kids who's parents did return the forms to have a friend who's parents didn't return them to go to the nurse and get the drugs for them unless the nurses are making them take the abortion pill there where they can see them. The Plan B abortion pill can prevent pregnancies if taken up to 72 hours after having sex. But if a pregnancy has occurred there was already a life conceived and the school district is helping these young women to kill their children. This is far past passing out condoms which is bad enough this is murder.
Life begins at the moment of conception it's not religious dogma it is a scientific fact (that they should have already been teaching these same students in basic biology). "A scientific textbook called "Basics of Biology" gives five characteristics of living things; these five criteria are found in all modern elementary scientific textbooks:
1. Living things are highly organized.
2. All living things have an ability to acquire materials and energy.
3. All living things have an ability to respond to their environment.
4. All living things have an ability to reproduce.
5. All living things have an ability to adapt.
According to this elementary definition of life, life begins at fertilization, when a sperm unites with an oocyte. From this moment, the being is highly organized, has the ability to acquire materials and energy, has the ability to respond to his or her environment, has the ability to adapt, and has the ability to reproduce (the cells divide, then divide again, etc., and barring pathology and pending reproductive maturity has the potential to reproduce other members of the species). Non-living things do not do these things. Even before the mother is aware that she is pregnant, a distinct, unique life has begun his or her existence inside her." Facts via
So the institution that is suppose to be educating and protecting these young girls is instead teaching them to have sex before marriage and then if you even think you could have gotten pregnant just take this pill and kill the baby and the sick part is it's all legal.
According to Fox "Connecting Adolescents to Comprehensive Health, known as CATCH, is part of a citywide plan to prevent teen pregnancy. The city says about 7,000 girls get pregnant by the time they reach the age of 17. It says more than half (64%) choose to get an abortion."
Read more:
Read more:
What has our country come to when it is teaching and giving our children the things they need to be sexual immoral and then supplying them the drugs that will kill the children that they conceive after having sex.
These drugs are not only morally wrong but they are dangerous! The birth control and the morning after pill are both hormonal drugs and they both can cause very serious side effects including stroke, heart attack, and death. These drugs are usually administered under medical supervision but there is nothing said about these schools monitoring the health of these students that are given these drugs. Also there is no research on what the long term effects for taking the morning after pill that has 2-10 times the dose of female hormones that birth control pills have. So if these girls are taking this abortion pill numerous times what could be the detrimental effects to their health later in life. It's not just the baby's that are being harmed here it's the girls themselves.
It is only in NYC now but how many other cities are likely to start this now as well. We need to be praying that this abomination doesn't spread any further. May God help protect the unborn children and these young girls and help the U.S. to wake up before it's too late.
These drugs are not only morally wrong but they are dangerous! The birth control and the morning after pill are both hormonal drugs and they both can cause very serious side effects including stroke, heart attack, and death. These drugs are usually administered under medical supervision but there is nothing said about these schools monitoring the health of these students that are given these drugs. Also there is no research on what the long term effects for taking the morning after pill that has 2-10 times the dose of female hormones that birth control pills have. So if these girls are taking this abortion pill numerous times what could be the detrimental effects to their health later in life. It's not just the baby's that are being harmed here it's the girls themselves.
It is only in NYC now but how many other cities are likely to start this now as well. We need to be praying that this abomination doesn't spread any further. May God help protect the unborn children and these young girls and help the U.S. to wake up before it's too late.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The privilege of democracy carries with it the responsibility to vote, and in each election cycle it is important to consider what is at stake. In recent election cycles, American voters have proven that Life Counts at the ballot box by choosing life by a margin of two to one.
No matter your political persuasion, if concern for life motivates your vote, these are the top five most significant issues in 2012. The United States needs policies:
1. CURBING THE RADICAL EXPANSION OF ABORTION: President Obama has set in motion the largest expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade through the enactment of Obamacare. Obamacare’s Covert Abortion Premium Mandate slips funding for abortion into health insurance policies, and preventive care guidelines that mandate insurance coverage for life-ending drugs and devices mischaracterized as “contraception.” Because support for abortion is so pervasive in the healthcare law, the only solution is repeal. To read more about abortion in healthcare, click here.
2. RESTORING FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT OF CONSCIENCE PROTECTIONS: Last year, the Obama Administration’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), under the clear influence of Planned Parenthood, announced that it was defining a “preventive services” provision of Obamacare to include “all FDA approved contraceptives,” forcing private health insurance plans to fully cover life-ending drugs and devices, including ella, an abortion-inducing drug.
Despite the knowledge that mandated coverage for life-ending drugs violates the religious beliefs and moral principles of many Americans, HHS has not budged and the mandate began to impact plans on August 1. By design, the mandate has a “rolling” start. With each passing month, more plans will be infected with forced coverage for life-ending drugs and devices. The so-called “safe harbor” for certain religious non-profit organizations expires on August 1, 2013. To confront this travesty, AUL launched a Freedom of Conscience project. Click here to learn more.
3. PROVIDING COMMONSENSE LIMITS ON ABORTION: The Obama Administration’s support for unrestricted abortion through all 9 months of pregnancy is out of touch with the vast majority of Americans. Recent polls reveal that 63 percent of all Americans – 70 percent of women – support a late-term, 20-week abortion limitation.
In particular, late-term abortions are exponentially more dangerous to women, an issue that AUL has addressed in our groundbreaking “Women’s Health Protection Act” which bans abortion at or after 20 weeks because of the well-documented risks of late-term abortion procedures. To learn more about the health risks of late-term abortion procedures, click here.
4. ADOPTING LIFE-AFFIRMING POLICIES IN LINE WITH THE VAST MAJORITY OF THE WORLD: Under current law, the United States stands with North Korea, China, and Canada as the four nations with the most radical pro-abortion laws. The U.S. is one of only 4 nations (out of 195 nations in the world) that do not limit abortion after fetal viability. To read an AUL analysis of this tragedy, click here.
5. GETTING THE TAXPAYER OUT OF THE BUSINESS OF SUBSIDIZING THE ABORTION INDUSTRY: The Obama Administration is so committed to taxpayer funding and subsidies for abortion providers that they have worked to override the actions of duly elected state officials to eliminate or reduce taxpayer monies going to Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers. In fact, the Obama Administration was willing to allow a shut down of the federal government rather than see any cuts in the more than $1 million dollars a day going to Planned Parenthood through federal taxes.
Meanwhile, 7 in 10 Americans – both pro-life and pro-choice – do not want their tax dollars to fund or subsidize the abortion industry. AUL has called for an investigation into Planned Parenthood so that taxpayers can learn what was done with the billions of tax dollars given to the abortion mega provider. To read more about the Case for Investigating Planned Parenthood, click here. Note: Charmaine Yoest is the president of Americans United for Life.
This ad is from the Susan B. Anthony List starring abortion survivor Melissa Ohden and she asks the very important question How will you answer?
Saturday, September 22, 2012
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you;" these words were spoken by God in Jeremiah 1:5 (NKJV). What powerful words those truly are. For those of us that are Christians we know and believe that God is the creator and the giver of all life and that all human life is indeed formed by God and therefore precious and sacred. We are told countless times in the Bible to uphold life and protect it. To stand up for what is right and to defend the weak and defenseless, to be champions of those who cannot help themselves and above all to love others more than we love ourselves.
God also states it very plain also in numerous places in the Old and New Testament "Thou shalt Not Kill". It doesn't come much plainer than that. Jesus also taught this throughout his ministry and used children as examples of how everyone should be in their lives innocent and pure and loving like a little child. Truly there is nothing closer to heaven on earth than a little child.
Today while I was looking on Facebook I saw a post that showed a painting that I just had to share it's called Before I Formed You in the Womb… by artist Ron DiCianni.
It shows the hand of Christ touching the stomach of a pregnant mother and if you look closely you can see the image of baby on the mother's stomach as if it were looking up at Jesus. This painting is so breathtakingly beautiful in so many ways. Mr. DiCianni is truly a gifted artist but what caught my attention even more was the story that went along with the painting. This talented man's life was almost ended before he ever could ever have the chance to lift a brush. Ron DiCianni is an abortion survivor and the Pro-Life cause is a cause very dear to his heart. He painted Before I Formed You In the Womb to help raise awareness about abortion and how many innocent lives it destroys in our country everyday.
Here on the Tapestry Productions website is what it says about the painting and then there is the Artist's note from Ron himself...
Life is precious, a fact we forget 3,700 times a day here in America and over 115,000 times world wide as babies are killed in the procedure we call "abortion". The simple fact is that, in 21st century America, life is often inconvenient, not precious. In Before I Formed You… Ron DiCianni makes the statement that each life, as we’re told in Scripture, is known and crafted by God for a purpose. How must it grieve the Author of Life, each time one of those precious lives is destroyed.
The flip side of Before I Formed You… though is a celebration! A celebration of each life, of each baby formed and crafted by His hands! Psalm 127:3 says "Behold, children are a gift of the LORD the fruit of the womb is a reward."
Even more incredible is that this painting, Before I Formed You… was painted by Ron DiCianni, America's best selling Christian Fine Artist and himself, an abortion survivor. You see, the same hands that painted this painting were scheduled to be "terminated" back in 1952... you can read his incredible story below.

As one who almost never had the chance to become what God had planned for me, I know firsthand the special meaning of what God told Jeremiah.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart..."
My mom had stopped her abortion attempt just as the procedure began, because she heard the voice of God saying to her, "Don’t do this... I have a plan for this baby."
God has a plan for every baby He has formed in the womb. Many have never seen the light of day, or gotten to become what He knew they could. I wonder if, through abortion, we have killed the person who was to have found the cure for cancer? Have we cut short the life that was supposed to become a righteous leader to end needless suffering in the world? Chances are, we have.
This painting is a visual translation of Psalm 139. "For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful." If we could reach back into time and allow each child to be born, we would be a better world. Since we can't, I'm hoping we will allow a future that will give each child the opportunity to live. Look at the painting closely and you will see a cross formed by the shadow of Christ's hand. That's the measure of His love for every baby. He died so they wouldn't have to.
Ron DiCianni
The prints of Before I Formed you in the Womb are available for pre-release order now here...
Every print receives, at no cost, a copy of Ray Comfort’s incredible DVD 180 which chronicles the transformation of people on camera from pro-choice to pro-life once they are exposed to the truth behind abortion. With over 3 million views, 180 has already impacted hearts and lives and verifiably saved babies from abortion!
A major portion of each print goes to fund pro-life efforts at such incredible ministries as 180 and pro-life pregnancy centers.
You can also learn how to be a sponsor they are wanting to get one of the prints into the hands of every Obstetrician, Pediatrician and Planned Parenthood clinic in America. If interested contact Tapestry at: (877) TAP-PROD (877-827-7763) menu option 4 or email them by clicking here or on their website at the link above.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
I have a lot of new gear coming to the shop soon! These are just a few of the designs that will be on everything from T-Shirts, bumper stickers, buttons and much more!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Today I just wanted to share some great Pro-Life graphics that I have found on the web at various places. These wonderful images really are powerful and they make people stop and think about the issue much more than just mere words do. Sharing images like these might become a regular blog post if enough people are interested. Which one is your favorite?

Sunday, September 16, 2012
They are not the organization that cares about women's health or in helping provide them with basic women's health care as they claim to be. They are mainly in the abortion business their true colors are finally starting to come out in the media and they and the Obama administration who is a huge supporter of the organization have had to admit that they do NOT offer mammograms for women which they have lied about in several ads and in interviews on the national media several times. You can read more about that here...
They have also been under investigation for helping to hide the statutory rape of minors, for aiding and abetting sex trafficking of minors, and various other violations in several different states. and see the undercover videos here...
Planned Parenthood has received over $500 million in tax dollars from the government in just the last few years. Please help to Defund Planned Parenthood our tax dollars should be going to worth while organizations that help people and help our country not destroy them! Find out more on how to help in the fight against Planned Parenthood at The Susan B. Anthony List.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
My sister-in-law posted this on my Facebook wall earlier today. It was so good that I had to share it. It's something that we all really should think about. How much of our future is already gone? How much of it has been aborted? How many blessings, cures, and answers to so many of world's problems have never been realized yet because those same people that would have brought them to us were aborted and silenced before they ever got the chance?
Every life has potential and untold value. There are limitless possibilities to the good that people can do if they are not denied that most important of all rights...the right to life. Who is to say that the little girl that was aborted because she wasn't the boy that her mother wanted wasn't the very human being that would have discovered the cure for cancer that could have saved millions of lives? Who is to say that the little boy that was aborted because his mother was still in college and didn't want the inconvenience of a child yet wouldn't have grown up to be a leader that could have changed the world for the better in countless ways? Could he have discovered a fuel that was better, cleaner, and cheaper than gasoline? Could he have become a missionary and brought food, clothing, and medical supplies to thousands of needy people in the world and saved countless lives? There is no end to the problems that might have already been solved by one of the 54 million children that have been aborted in the U.S. legally since abortion was legalized in 1973.
Over 54 million chances to make this world a better place gone before they even took their first breath.
All of the good that those people could have done and the good plans that God had for their lives ended and rejected because someone else decided, without possibly being able to know what they would mean to the world that they were a choice and that their life had no meaning.
Many say that it's the choice of the mother because it's her body and therefore it should be her decision what she should do. But it's not her body or her life that she's destroying when she has an abortion. It's the life of a separate human being who has it's own distinct DNA it's own set of unique finger prints, it's own beating heart. It is a seperate being and a separate life from her. The mother doesn't have two bodies does she? Does she have two hearts, two brains, 4 arms or 4 legs? The life that is growing inside her depends on her for nutrients to grow but that doesn't make it's life any less human. It does have it's own separate body that if left alone will grow and be born and grow up to be a person just like the mother did when she was a baby.
The video below shows a 4D ultrasound of baby at just 10 weeks. Already you can clearly see that it's body is formed and that it is separate from the mother's. It's able to suck it's thumb and move around inside the womb.
No one has the right to say when another person lives or dies or that another person's life is meaningless and that it has no value.
The world needs to stop destroying it's future before it's even born.
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Thursday, September 13, 2012
Let me introduce myself my name is Jennifer Johnson and I started Voice for Hope in hopes to help educate and help others to see that all life is sacred and precious and should be protected. I believe that life begins at conception and that it is a gift from God and only he has the right to say when life begins and ends.
I have always been Pro-Life but I have not been nearly as active as I should have in the movement until just a month or two ago. Oh I would proudly proclaim that I am Pro-Life if the subject of abortion came up and I went and voted Pro-Life at election time. But other than that abortion was something that I didn't think about very often unless someone else brought it up for some reason I didn't really think about it accept in those circumstances.
The thing that really got to me and woke me up to where I wanted to be more active in the Pro-Life movement started when I viewed a video of Gianna Jessen speaking on Youtube. Gianna is an abortion survivor. I found out about her when I heard about a movie called October Baby that was going to be coming out on DVD when I was searching for new movies to look for and I came across this movie description about a young girl who finds out that she is adopted and that she is the survivor of an abortion. That really caught my attention I never really knew or thought about that there were actually survivors of abortions. I thought that they made sure that the babies were killed and that there really was no way for them to survive the procedures they use for abortion. So I was shocked when I read that and while reading more about the movie I learned that it was based loosely on the life of Gianna Jessen so I Googled her to find out more about her. I found out that she is the survivor of a saline abortion and she is now a Pro-Life speaker who has spoken all over the world. Then I came across one of her speeches on Youtube (you can see it by clicking here for the first part of the speech and here for the second half of the speech). I watched the speech and I was absolutely amazed by this incredible young woman. Her words touched me deeper than I can say. It ignited something in my heart and I knew then that I wanted to do something more and that I wanted to be much more active in the Pro-Life movement from now on. I started looking up and reading more on the Pro-Life movement and the actual statistics of abortions in the U.S. and I was shocked even more by what I learned. I always knew that abortion was bad and that it happened far to often but I was not ready for the numbers that I saw when I found out how many abortions actually happen every day. I decided that I could not be idol or silent anymore and that I wanted to help in whatever small way I can to educate others and to show what a problem abortion truly is in the U.S. and around the world.
So what shocked me so much when I searched to see how many abortions there are in the U.S.? Here are the numbers that I found and they are staggering...
Since the legalization of abortion in 1973, there have been over 54 million abortions performed in the United States.
According to statistics there are roughly 1.21 million abortions per year in the U.S.
Per day there are over 3,300 abortions performed in the U.S. to put that into perspective just a little that is more than double the amount of people that died during Hurricane Katrina and hundreds over the number of people that were killed during the 9/11 attacks in 2001.
I want you to stop and just think about that a moment...more innocent people are being killed everyday in the U.S. than where killed in that horrible tragedy on 9/11. And yet this is a legal practice allowed by our government. We all remember where we where on that September day in 2001 and rightly so because so many of our fellow Americans were killed that day. We should all think about that now in regards to how many children are being killed in this country everyday legally by their own mothers. Can we sit by and be silent and do nothing to stop this?
Abortion is the number one killer in the United States above heart disease and cancer and every other illness or condition that kills Americans.
Worldwide the number of abortions are roughly 42 million per year.
With approximately 115,000 abortions per day.
The Holocaust during WW2 took the lives of an estimated 11-17 million people. That was an abominable atrocity that should never be repeated. Sadly there is a another silent holocaust going on right here in the U.S. and around the world everyday that has already cost more than the number of lives during the Holocaust three times over - Abortion. And yet our government does nothing to stop it and indeed the current legislation is trying to do more to make it easier to get abortions for any reason at any time and for them to be funded by tax payers dollars. May God have mercy on the U.S. for these grievous sins.
Statistics Sources: Guttmacher Institute, CDC, and National Right to life.
Abortion is a tragedy and a blot on human kind and it needs to stop! God is the giver of all life and no one has the right to take another person's life because of their size, gender, race or for any other reason. Abortion is an issue that is not spoken of nearly enough or if it is it only comes up at election times and is then quickly forgotten by most. It doesn't have a face for most doesn't affect them and its an ugly topic so they turn the other way. It is thought to be one of the lesser issues by some. But do the numbers that are above sound like it is a lesser issue?
Abortion is a taboo topic to some or one that is merely a "social or moral issue" and is swept under the rug or not talked about at all because people are afraid of what someone might think or offending someone. And everyone is so worried about hurting someones feelings and being politically correct that they don't even consider that by them keeping silent they are allowing this tragedy to continue day in and day out. But the old saying is very true "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
This is truly a matter of life or death for thousands of unborn children everyday and their mothers as well who's lives are never the same afterwards. We all need to stop closing our eyes and ears to what is going on around us and be a voice for the voiceless! Because if we who do have voices don't speak up for and defend the smallest and weakest among us no one will! We can not wait for someone else to speak up or make the first move to do something. Those innocent lives that are being taken could have just as easily have been any one of us or one of the people that we love. And will God hold us unaccountable if we know these atrocities are going on daily and do nothing to try and help stop them?
We all need to pray for an end to abortion. And we all need to do everything we can to help educate people and open people's eyes to the truth about abortion. Please be a voice for the voiceless and give all those innocent children a voice for hope.

The following is a repost directly from about Obama's extreme abortion stance and his lack of support for the Born Alive Infant Protection Act that would require medical care and save the lives of babies that were born alive during failed abortions.
The following article was written by Dave Andrusko
The title of Ramesh Ponnuru’s excellent post today captures a powerful truth–“Obama and Infanticide: The media still insist on defending his votes in favor of infanticide.” We will quote at length from his analysis, but it is very much worth reading in full at National Review Online.
Mr. Obama and those who defend his actions as a state Senator have offered a number of explanations for his opposition to a bill in Illinois that would have provided legal protection to babies who survived abortion. For example, as Ponnuru explains, “They said he opposed it because the law lacked a clause clarifying that it did not protect fetuses within the womb. In fact Obama opposed a version of the bill that contained one (not that there was ever any need for it).”

“His [Obama’s] point, to paraphrase it, was that granting legal protections to a pre-viable child was logically incompatible with Roe. He was wrong to predict the courts would see it that way: No court has struck down the type of legislation Illinois was considering; there is now a federal law on the books that is nearly identical to it. The Court’s jurisprudence makes the location of the developing human being — inside or outside the womb — decisive for whether it has a right to life, and not just its stage of development. (That’s one reason pro-lifers made partial-birth abortion an issue: to establish that a child partway out of the womb would be protected.)”
State Senator Obama raised a related objection to protections for pre-viable infants born alive (in commenting on a different piece of legislation), according to Ponnuru: “Granting them protection by requiring that a second doctor be present to treat any born-alive infant would ‘burden the original decision of the woman and the physician to induce labor and perform an abortion.’ Legal protection for these infants, in addition to being wrong on principle, would inhibit abortion.”
In 2008 National Right to Life carefully documented Obama’s actions while a state Senator, but the media shield was impermeable. Surely, we were told, no one could seriously believe Obama would support the right to infanticide.
The issue has resurfaced again because pro-lifers refuse to allow the truth to stay buried. And that is that Obama (in Ponnuru’s words) “believed that certain infants — those at an early stage of development — should not have legal protection, and he believed it because he thought it would undermine the right to abortion.”
Having established Obama’s real position while a state Senator, Ponnuru spends a lot of time carefully dissecting the conclusions of the Washington Post’s Josh Hicks who “fact-checked” an ad by the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List. (You can read the analysis in its entirety
In general Hicks imputes positions to Obama he didn’t express, for example (as Ponnuru writes) “At no point does he [Obama] suggest that it would be okay to provide legal protection to pre-viable infants who survive abortions. That’s because he opposed such protection.”
And Hicks is determined to put the worst construction on comments made in the ad by abortion survivor Melissa Ohden and former Governor Mike Huckabee while giving Mr. Obama the benefit of the doubt (even when there isn’t any) —and more.
For instance, Hicks quotes Huckabee saying, “Obama “believes that human life is disposable and expendable . . . even beyond the womb.” Besides concluding it’s all so confusing to say anything definitively, Hicks announces “Nonetheless, we find it hard to fathom that the former senator expressed a belief that human life is disposable outside the womb.”
Yes, it would be, if it weren’t for that pesky record. As Ponnuru explains, “Huckabee was right: Obama did believe that at least some human lives, ‘even beyond the womb,’ are ‘disposable and expendable.’ He believed that for the law to treat them otherwise would be wrong. Whatever Hicks can or cannot fathom, Obama expressed that view both in his words and in his votes.”
Ponnuru concludes by d****** with faint praise:
“Hicks deserves credit, however, for noting that Obama has made false statements about his record on this issue. He even says that if he were grading his 2008 comments today, he would give him four Pinocchios. That’s an improvement over the Post’s performance in 2008, when it was the worst of a bad lot of ’fact-checkers.’ Perhaps when Obama’s third memoir comes out, the Post will finally be ready to admit that Obama supported a right to infanticide for pre-viable infants, and pro-lifers had it right all along.”
NRLC’s website contains definitive documentation on this issue, much of which is distilled in a comprehensive “white paper” written by NRLC Legislative Director Douglas Johnson and Senior Legislative Counsel Susan T. Muskett in August, 2008, which is here: Note: Dave Andrusko is the editor of National Right to Life News and an author and editor of several books on abortion topics. This post originally appeared in his Natioanl Right to Life News Today —- an online column on pro-life issues.
Welcome to Voice for Hope! This is a Pro-Life blog that hopes to help others see that all life is sacred and precious and should be protected.
Thousands of innocent lives are ended in abortion every day in the U.S. this is a tragedy and it needs to stop! God is the giver of all life and no one has the right to take another person's life because of their size, gender, race or for any other reason. Abortion is an issue that is not spoken of nearly enough or if it is it only comes up at election times and is then quickly forgotten. It is thought to be a taboo topic and one that is a "social or moral issue" and is swept under the rug or not talked about at all because people are afraid of what someone might think or offending someone. But this is truly a matter of life or death for thousands of people every single day both the unborn children and their mothers as well who's lives are never the same afterwards. We all need to be a voice for the voiceless! Because if we who do have voices don't speak up for and defend the smallest and weakest among us no one will!
I will be posting information that I find on the internet about Pro-Life issues as well as sharing inspiring and thought provoking videos, interviews, and much more on the subject of abortion. Let us all pray for the end of abortion in the U.S. and all over the world.
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- How much of our future is already gone?
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- Obama Backed Infanticide: Pro-Lifers Had It Right ...
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