Thursday, September 13, 2012
Welcome to Voice for Hope! This is a Pro-Life blog that hopes to help others see that all life is sacred and precious and should be protected.
Thousands of innocent lives are ended in abortion every day in the U.S. this is a tragedy and it needs to stop! God is the giver of all life and no one has the right to take another person's life because of their size, gender, race or for any other reason. Abortion is an issue that is not spoken of nearly enough or if it is it only comes up at election times and is then quickly forgotten. It is thought to be a taboo topic and one that is a "social or moral issue" and is swept under the rug or not talked about at all because people are afraid of what someone might think or offending someone. But this is truly a matter of life or death for thousands of people every single day both the unborn children and their mothers as well who's lives are never the same afterwards. We all need to be a voice for the voiceless! Because if we who do have voices don't speak up for and defend the smallest and weakest among us no one will!
I will be posting information that I find on the internet about Pro-Life issues as well as sharing inspiring and thought provoking videos, interviews, and much more on the subject of abortion. Let us all pray for the end of abortion in the U.S. and all over the world.
Labels:Abortion,Pro-Life,Welcome message
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- Please help Defund Planned Parenthood!
- How much of our future is already gone?
- Why I started a Voice for Hope
- Obama Backed Infanticide: Pro-Lifers Had It Right ...
- Welcome to Voice for Hope
Pro-Life Sites I Recommend
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