Saturday, September 22, 2012
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you;" these words were spoken by God in Jeremiah 1:5 (NKJV). What powerful words those truly are. For those of us that are Christians we know and believe that God is the creator and the giver of all life and that all human life is indeed formed by God and therefore precious and sacred. We are told countless times in the Bible to uphold life and protect it. To stand up for what is right and to defend the weak and defenseless, to be champions of those who cannot help themselves and above all to love others more than we love ourselves.
God also states it very plain also in numerous places in the Old and New Testament "Thou shalt Not Kill". It doesn't come much plainer than that. Jesus also taught this throughout his ministry and used children as examples of how everyone should be in their lives innocent and pure and loving like a little child. Truly there is nothing closer to heaven on earth than a little child.
Today while I was looking on Facebook I saw a post that showed a painting that I just had to share it's called Before I Formed You in the Womb… by artist Ron DiCianni.
It shows the hand of Christ touching the stomach of a pregnant mother and if you look closely you can see the image of baby on the mother's stomach as if it were looking up at Jesus. This painting is so breathtakingly beautiful in so many ways. Mr. DiCianni is truly a gifted artist but what caught my attention even more was the story that went along with the painting. This talented man's life was almost ended before he ever could ever have the chance to lift a brush. Ron DiCianni is an abortion survivor and the Pro-Life cause is a cause very dear to his heart. He painted Before I Formed You In the Womb to help raise awareness about abortion and how many innocent lives it destroys in our country everyday.
Here on the Tapestry Productions website is what it says about the painting and then there is the Artist's note from Ron himself...
Life is precious, a fact we forget 3,700 times a day here in America and over 115,000 times world wide as babies are killed in the procedure we call "abortion". The simple fact is that, in 21st century America, life is often inconvenient, not precious. In Before I Formed You… Ron DiCianni makes the statement that each life, as we’re told in Scripture, is known and crafted by God for a purpose. How must it grieve the Author of Life, each time one of those precious lives is destroyed.
The flip side of Before I Formed You… though is a celebration! A celebration of each life, of each baby formed and crafted by His hands! Psalm 127:3 says "Behold, children are a gift of the LORD the fruit of the womb is a reward."
Even more incredible is that this painting, Before I Formed You… was painted by Ron DiCianni, America's best selling Christian Fine Artist and himself, an abortion survivor. You see, the same hands that painted this painting were scheduled to be "terminated" back in 1952... you can read his incredible story below.

As one who almost never had the chance to become what God had planned for me, I know firsthand the special meaning of what God told Jeremiah.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart..."
My mom had stopped her abortion attempt just as the procedure began, because she heard the voice of God saying to her, "Don’t do this... I have a plan for this baby."
God has a plan for every baby He has formed in the womb. Many have never seen the light of day, or gotten to become what He knew they could. I wonder if, through abortion, we have killed the person who was to have found the cure for cancer? Have we cut short the life that was supposed to become a righteous leader to end needless suffering in the world? Chances are, we have.
This painting is a visual translation of Psalm 139. "For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful." If we could reach back into time and allow each child to be born, we would be a better world. Since we can't, I'm hoping we will allow a future that will give each child the opportunity to live. Look at the painting closely and you will see a cross formed by the shadow of Christ's hand. That's the measure of His love for every baby. He died so they wouldn't have to.
Ron DiCianni
The prints of Before I Formed you in the Womb are available for pre-release order now here...
Every print receives, at no cost, a copy of Ray Comfort’s incredible DVD 180 which chronicles the transformation of people on camera from pro-choice to pro-life once they are exposed to the truth behind abortion. With over 3 million views, 180 has already impacted hearts and lives and verifiably saved babies from abortion!
A major portion of each print goes to fund pro-life efforts at such incredible ministries as 180 and pro-life pregnancy centers.
You can also learn how to be a sponsor they are wanting to get one of the prints into the hands of every Obstetrician, Pediatrician and Planned Parenthood clinic in America. If interested contact Tapestry at: (877) TAP-PROD (877-827-7763) menu option 4 or email them by clicking here or on their website at the link above.
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