Thursday, September 13, 2012
Let me introduce myself my name is Jennifer Johnson and I started Voice for Hope in hopes to help educate and help others to see that all life is sacred and precious and should be protected. I believe that life begins at conception and that it is a gift from God and only he has the right to say when life begins and ends.
I have always been Pro-Life but I have not been nearly as active as I should have in the movement until just a month or two ago. Oh I would proudly proclaim that I am Pro-Life if the subject of abortion came up and I went and voted Pro-Life at election time. But other than that abortion was something that I didn't think about very often unless someone else brought it up for some reason I didn't really think about it accept in those circumstances.
The thing that really got to me and woke me up to where I wanted to be more active in the Pro-Life movement started when I viewed a video of Gianna Jessen speaking on Youtube. Gianna is an abortion survivor. I found out about her when I heard about a movie called October Baby that was going to be coming out on DVD when I was searching for new movies to look for and I came across this movie description about a young girl who finds out that she is adopted and that she is the survivor of an abortion. That really caught my attention I never really knew or thought about that there were actually survivors of abortions. I thought that they made sure that the babies were killed and that there really was no way for them to survive the procedures they use for abortion. So I was shocked when I read that and while reading more about the movie I learned that it was based loosely on the life of Gianna Jessen so I Googled her to find out more about her. I found out that she is the survivor of a saline abortion and she is now a Pro-Life speaker who has spoken all over the world. Then I came across one of her speeches on Youtube (you can see it by clicking here for the first part of the speech and here for the second half of the speech). I watched the speech and I was absolutely amazed by this incredible young woman. Her words touched me deeper than I can say. It ignited something in my heart and I knew then that I wanted to do something more and that I wanted to be much more active in the Pro-Life movement from now on. I started looking up and reading more on the Pro-Life movement and the actual statistics of abortions in the U.S. and I was shocked even more by what I learned. I always knew that abortion was bad and that it happened far to often but I was not ready for the numbers that I saw when I found out how many abortions actually happen every day. I decided that I could not be idol or silent anymore and that I wanted to help in whatever small way I can to educate others and to show what a problem abortion truly is in the U.S. and around the world.
So what shocked me so much when I searched to see how many abortions there are in the U.S.? Here are the numbers that I found and they are staggering...
Since the legalization of abortion in 1973, there have been over 54 million abortions performed in the United States.
According to statistics there are roughly 1.21 million abortions per year in the U.S.
Per day there are over 3,300 abortions performed in the U.S. to put that into perspective just a little that is more than double the amount of people that died during Hurricane Katrina and hundreds over the number of people that were killed during the 9/11 attacks in 2001.
I want you to stop and just think about that a moment...more innocent people are being killed everyday in the U.S. than where killed in that horrible tragedy on 9/11. And yet this is a legal practice allowed by our government. We all remember where we where on that September day in 2001 and rightly so because so many of our fellow Americans were killed that day. We should all think about that now in regards to how many children are being killed in this country everyday legally by their own mothers. Can we sit by and be silent and do nothing to stop this?
Abortion is the number one killer in the United States above heart disease and cancer and every other illness or condition that kills Americans.
Worldwide the number of abortions are roughly 42 million per year.
With approximately 115,000 abortions per day.
The Holocaust during WW2 took the lives of an estimated 11-17 million people. That was an abominable atrocity that should never be repeated. Sadly there is a another silent holocaust going on right here in the U.S. and around the world everyday that has already cost more than the number of lives during the Holocaust three times over - Abortion. And yet our government does nothing to stop it and indeed the current legislation is trying to do more to make it easier to get abortions for any reason at any time and for them to be funded by tax payers dollars. May God have mercy on the U.S. for these grievous sins.
Statistics Sources: Guttmacher Institute, CDC, and National Right to life.
Abortion is a tragedy and a blot on human kind and it needs to stop! God is the giver of all life and no one has the right to take another person's life because of their size, gender, race or for any other reason. Abortion is an issue that is not spoken of nearly enough or if it is it only comes up at election times and is then quickly forgotten by most. It doesn't have a face for most doesn't affect them and its an ugly topic so they turn the other way. It is thought to be one of the lesser issues by some. But do the numbers that are above sound like it is a lesser issue?
Abortion is a taboo topic to some or one that is merely a "social or moral issue" and is swept under the rug or not talked about at all because people are afraid of what someone might think or offending someone. And everyone is so worried about hurting someones feelings and being politically correct that they don't even consider that by them keeping silent they are allowing this tragedy to continue day in and day out. But the old saying is very true "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
This is truly a matter of life or death for thousands of unborn children everyday and their mothers as well who's lives are never the same afterwards. We all need to stop closing our eyes and ears to what is going on around us and be a voice for the voiceless! Because if we who do have voices don't speak up for and defend the smallest and weakest among us no one will! We can not wait for someone else to speak up or make the first move to do something. Those innocent lives that are being taken could have just as easily have been any one of us or one of the people that we love. And will God hold us unaccountable if we know these atrocities are going on daily and do nothing to try and help stop them?
We all need to pray for an end to abortion. And we all need to do everything we can to help educate people and open people's eyes to the truth about abortion. Please be a voice for the voiceless and give all those innocent children a voice for hope.

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