Saturday, September 15, 2012
My sister-in-law posted this on my Facebook wall earlier today. It was so good that I had to share it. It's something that we all really should think about. How much of our future is already gone? How much of it has been aborted? How many blessings, cures, and answers to so many of world's problems have never been realized yet because those same people that would have brought them to us were aborted and silenced before they ever got the chance?
Every life has potential and untold value. There are limitless possibilities to the good that people can do if they are not denied that most important of all rights...the right to life. Who is to say that the little girl that was aborted because she wasn't the boy that her mother wanted wasn't the very human being that would have discovered the cure for cancer that could have saved millions of lives? Who is to say that the little boy that was aborted because his mother was still in college and didn't want the inconvenience of a child yet wouldn't have grown up to be a leader that could have changed the world for the better in countless ways? Could he have discovered a fuel that was better, cleaner, and cheaper than gasoline? Could he have become a missionary and brought food, clothing, and medical supplies to thousands of needy people in the world and saved countless lives? There is no end to the problems that might have already been solved by one of the 54 million children that have been aborted in the U.S. legally since abortion was legalized in 1973.
Over 54 million chances to make this world a better place gone before they even took their first breath.
All of the good that those people could have done and the good plans that God had for their lives ended and rejected because someone else decided, without possibly being able to know what they would mean to the world that they were a choice and that their life had no meaning.
Many say that it's the choice of the mother because it's her body and therefore it should be her decision what she should do. But it's not her body or her life that she's destroying when she has an abortion. It's the life of a separate human being who has it's own distinct DNA it's own set of unique finger prints, it's own beating heart. It is a seperate being and a separate life from her. The mother doesn't have two bodies does she? Does she have two hearts, two brains, 4 arms or 4 legs? The life that is growing inside her depends on her for nutrients to grow but that doesn't make it's life any less human. It does have it's own separate body that if left alone will grow and be born and grow up to be a person just like the mother did when she was a baby.
The video below shows a 4D ultrasound of baby at just 10 weeks. Already you can clearly see that it's body is formed and that it is separate from the mother's. It's able to suck it's thumb and move around inside the womb.
No one has the right to say when another person lives or dies or that another person's life is meaningless and that it has no value.
The world needs to stop destroying it's future before it's even born.
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