Friday, January 25, 2013
This may be one of the most important things that I think I have ever shared. Regardless of what party you belong too, what your religious beliefs are, or what stance you take on abortion you need to watch this video! It could save an unimaginable amount of lives. It could even save the life of someone you know and love.
I had to share this video that I recently found and I truly hope that everyone will watch it and share it with everyone they know. This is one that everyone no matter who you are man or woman you should watch and share with all your family and friends and anyone else who will listen!
Have you ever wondered why there are still so many unplanned pregnancies even in this modern age of widely used and available birth control? More women and men use some form of birth control than ever before and yet there are still an astronomical amount of unplanned pregnancies each year, - which leads to more abortions than ever before. Because organizations that are in the abortion industry like Planned Parenthood are purposely giving FAULTY birth control to women. This is truly chilling! Hear the true details of how some "women's health care" facilities purposely give low dose birth control and faulty condoms to their clients knowing that it will result in unplanned pregnancies to bolster their abortion businesses. They make much more money from abortions than they do from any other service they provide. It's time to expose the truth and stop this tragedy from happening! It has already taken to many lives and ruined to many others already!
It's time to blow the lid off of what is really going on!
Blood Money is a documentary narrated by Dr. Alveda King (niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.), Bloodmoney takes a critical look into the dark origins of abortion, and return with a deeply disturbing picture: how a movement based on racism and population control usurped the momentum of the women’s rights movement to create something truly despicable– a multi-billion dollar industry that literally thrives on the destruction of unborn babies and the traumatizing of young pregnant women.
It’s not about hearsay. It’s not about political bias. They went right to the historical documents and got it from their own lips. The producers went directly to the women involved in the cases that made abortion legal. They went directly to abortion clinic owners. They spoke directly with women who’d had multiple abortions, and they let them tell of how the industry really works. >As you can see from the trailer, we discovered some very shocking, very unsettling facts. In the documentary you will also see...
- Evidence that the courts and abortion doctors know that a fetus is a living human being
- The evidence of a racist agenda in Planned Parenthood, back when it was still called the Birth Control League
- How the women in both court cases that made abortion legal were duped by their attorneys — and why neither ended up having abortions
- Proof from former clinic owners that abortion is an incredibly lucrative business, and the manipulative tactics they use to isolate abortion prospects from their support network so they can pressure them into having an abortion
- Confessions that clinics will sometimes perform abortions on non-pregnant women so they can still make money
- First hand evidence of multiple doctors conspiring to cover up botched abortions to avoid law suits
- Testimony from women that abortions have triggered post traumatic stress disorder, suicidal depression, an inability to feel emotion, and other psychologically devastating effects
- Why abortion clinics have been immune to regulatory control, even regarding basic health codes
- The story of the abortion video footage that caused a former clinic owner to retire and become avidly pro life (note: this footage is not shown)
- And much more.
There is actually a link on Youtube where you can see the entire documentary for free but I HIGHLY recommend you buy this one and support these great pro-life people in exposing the truth about abortion and share it with as many people as you possibly can! It's about saving lives and saving women from the horror that is abortion. Women deserve better than this! If the real truth on abortion where exposed and widely shared it would end now! We have to not be silent and expose the truth to others and end this ungodly practice that is killing our nation and hurting so many in our world today! Don't be silent be part of the solution!
Help Women in Crisis Make a Better Choice

So if you want to help with abortion, you don’t have to run for office. You don’t have to donate thousands of dollars if you don’t have it. You don’t even have to go to marches and picket clinics if that doesn’t suit you. All you have to do is keep your eyes open, and when you come across a young women in crisis, be there to listen, to support, and then tell her the truth. If you need to, give her a copy of Bloodmoney. That’s exactly what it’s for.
Visit their website for more information and order your copy today!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Today marks the 40th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade and it's companion case Doe v. Bolton. Since 1973 over 55 million children have been killed "legally" in the U.S. through abortion.
They call this "choice" and a "right" to women. While they deny the choice and the rights of others, that of their beautiful children who are innocent and have done nothing wrong what about their rights? What about all the choices that they should have and should be allowed to make? God is the giver of all life and he is the only one who has the right to take it. He said in his Holy word "Thou shalt not kill" it truly doesn't get any clearer than that. And for those that aren't believers you have to look no further than our own Declaration of Independence (which also points to the providence and authority of God and rightly so) which states..."We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
There is a reason that LIFE was the first thing that they mentioned when they stated a person's rights. Because without the right to life all other rights are meaningless.
Many want to say that abortion is a political issue but it's NOT it is a civil rights issue it is a human issue it's literally life or death. It is the "choice" to take away every right from another human being.
The abortion industry has recently started a campaign to try to separate themselves from the word "choice" and are thinking of rebranding themselves and moving away from the term "Pro-choice" because they realize that their bottom line is starting to hurt as more and more people realize what abortion really is and what it's doing to not only the children that they are killing, but the women who they lie to and deceive into thinking that it's an easy fix to their problem. The abortion industry tells them that it's not taking a life it's just a blob of tissue, it's not a baby "yet", it's a just fetus. Those who once worked in the abortion industry like Abby Johnson, Carol Everett, and many others that have since seen the light and now are speaking out and telling what really goes on behind the closed doors of abortion clinics, and the tactics that they use to mislead women all admit this. They have testified stating that to dehumanize the baby everyone at the abortion clinics never, ever uses the word baby or child in a clinic because doing so could put the image and thought that what the woman is actually carrying is indeed a baby into the mother's mind and they might not go through with the abortion if they thought of it as anything but blob of tissue or a fetus. So they always call the unborn child a fetus to try and make it sound like it's not a baby "yet" it's just a bunch of cells that hasn't formed yet. Then they rush them through with the abortion as soon as they can before they can have a chance to think, and change their minds. To them life is not life it's all about money, it's all about the bottom line. They care nothing about the babies they are killing and they care nothing about the women who they are hurting. But these poor women have to suffer the rest of their lives with that decision and the pain and grief that comes along with it. Many of them are tortured and haunted for the rest of their lives by that "choice" and some even suffer physically with problems that affect them for the rest of their lives. Some even die due to the "safe and legal" abortions and the abortion causing drugs they are given.
Each and ever one of us if you want to get extremely technical are still a bunch of cells and blobs of tissue! We are all grown up fetuses! The only difference between us and those beautiful little children that are being killed everyday all over the U.S. is that we had a mother who chose life for us and we were allowed to grow where they were not. We are no better than them and it could have just as easily have been us or those that we love, that those people in the abortion clinics so heartlessly and carelessly dismember and throw in the trash as if we were nothing.
GOD gives each and every one of us life, and every one of us has a living soul that has immeasurable value! Every life matters and is put here for a reason. And when those lives are killed and not allowed to do what they were put here for how much has the world been altered by that? No one can truly know the answer to that, but stop and think for just a moment, what could the over 55 million people who lost their lives to abortion have done to help this world how they could have changed it for the better! What has America already given up and what blessings and invaluable advances to mankind has it already aborted? Who of those children could have grown up and would have already found a cure for cancer, discovered unimaginable new medicines and procedures to help those who are sick and suffering with all kinds of diseases and illness. How many could have been helping to end world hunger, abuses, and injustices. They might have found ways to help countless millions the world over in immeasurable ways but they never had the chance because their lives were discarded as a "choice".
If you believe in that choice are you willing to listen to and truly LOOK at the truth of what that "choice" really is? To truly SEE what abortion really is and does...
Look at this website to see the truth of abortion...
Read and watch the real testimony of people who worked in the abortion industry and find out what abortion is and does...
Testimony of Former Abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino
Other abortion providers testimonies...
Abby Johnson's testimony...
So you see Pro-Choice is really NO CHOICE at all and it truly is never the right choice. It only kills one and hurts another. Please if you or anyone you know is experiencing an unplanned pregnancy there is real help available for you that offers life and a good future to both you and your baby contact a life giving pregnancy center in your area and make the right choice of life for you and your baby!
Make the right choice that is good for everyone! CHOOSE LIFE!
Let's all PRAY and work together to end abortion and may God help us to see an end to abortion very, very soon!
There is a reason that LIFE was the first thing that they mentioned when they stated a person's rights. Because without the right to life all other rights are meaningless.
Many want to say that abortion is a political issue but it's NOT it is a civil rights issue it is a human issue it's literally life or death. It is the "choice" to take away every right from another human being.
The abortion industry has recently started a campaign to try to separate themselves from the word "choice" and are thinking of rebranding themselves and moving away from the term "Pro-choice" because they realize that their bottom line is starting to hurt as more and more people realize what abortion really is and what it's doing to not only the children that they are killing, but the women who they lie to and deceive into thinking that it's an easy fix to their problem. The abortion industry tells them that it's not taking a life it's just a blob of tissue, it's not a baby "yet", it's a just fetus. Those who once worked in the abortion industry like Abby Johnson, Carol Everett, and many others that have since seen the light and now are speaking out and telling what really goes on behind the closed doors of abortion clinics, and the tactics that they use to mislead women all admit this. They have testified stating that to dehumanize the baby everyone at the abortion clinics never, ever uses the word baby or child in a clinic because doing so could put the image and thought that what the woman is actually carrying is indeed a baby into the mother's mind and they might not go through with the abortion if they thought of it as anything but blob of tissue or a fetus. So they always call the unborn child a fetus to try and make it sound like it's not a baby "yet" it's just a bunch of cells that hasn't formed yet. Then they rush them through with the abortion as soon as they can before they can have a chance to think, and change their minds. To them life is not life it's all about money, it's all about the bottom line. They care nothing about the babies they are killing and they care nothing about the women who they are hurting. But these poor women have to suffer the rest of their lives with that decision and the pain and grief that comes along with it. Many of them are tortured and haunted for the rest of their lives by that "choice" and some even suffer physically with problems that affect them for the rest of their lives. Some even die due to the "safe and legal" abortions and the abortion causing drugs they are given.
Each and ever one of us if you want to get extremely technical are still a bunch of cells and blobs of tissue! We are all grown up fetuses! The only difference between us and those beautiful little children that are being killed everyday all over the U.S. is that we had a mother who chose life for us and we were allowed to grow where they were not. We are no better than them and it could have just as easily have been us or those that we love, that those people in the abortion clinics so heartlessly and carelessly dismember and throw in the trash as if we were nothing.
GOD gives each and every one of us life, and every one of us has a living soul that has immeasurable value! Every life matters and is put here for a reason. And when those lives are killed and not allowed to do what they were put here for how much has the world been altered by that? No one can truly know the answer to that, but stop and think for just a moment, what could the over 55 million people who lost their lives to abortion have done to help this world how they could have changed it for the better! What has America already given up and what blessings and invaluable advances to mankind has it already aborted? Who of those children could have grown up and would have already found a cure for cancer, discovered unimaginable new medicines and procedures to help those who are sick and suffering with all kinds of diseases and illness. How many could have been helping to end world hunger, abuses, and injustices. They might have found ways to help countless millions the world over in immeasurable ways but they never had the chance because their lives were discarded as a "choice".
If you believe in that choice are you willing to listen to and truly LOOK at the truth of what that "choice" really is? To truly SEE what abortion really is and does...
Look at this website to see the truth of abortion...
Read and watch the real testimony of people who worked in the abortion industry and find out what abortion is and does...
Other abortion providers testimonies...
Abby Johnson's testimony...
So you see Pro-Choice is really NO CHOICE at all and it truly is never the right choice. It only kills one and hurts another. Please if you or anyone you know is experiencing an unplanned pregnancy there is real help available for you that offers life and a good future to both you and your baby contact a life giving pregnancy center in your area and make the right choice of life for you and your baby!
Make the right choice that is good for everyone! CHOOSE LIFE!
Let's all PRAY and work together to end abortion and may God help us to see an end to abortion very, very soon!
Monday, January 21, 2013
How will you honor those who are lost to abortion tomorrow on the 40th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton?
The thought occurred to me a week or two ago when I was trying to think of some way to honor all the children who have been lost to abortion, and all the women who have been hurt by abortion as well. I thought that white roses would be a beautiful way to pay tribute to them.
Why a white rose you ask? Everyone knows when people die one of the first things that many people think to do is to give or send flowers. And the more I thought on it I thought that a white rose would be very fitting and symbolic as well on several different levels. A rose is itself is very fragile much like life and if you "choose" to you can crush it and kill, but if you do you loose so much beauty. And if you take care of it and nurture it and let it grow it blossoms and brings forth so much beauty and fragrance to fill your life and the lives of others. The color white because white represents the purity, light, and innocence of every precious life. And lastly but certainly not least, in fact it is the most important is that white is a holy color that represents God and the fact that all men and women are made in the very image of God, who is the giver of all life.
I personally won't be able to make it to one of the many events and memorials tomorrow marking the anniversary of these horrible laws, but I wanted to share with you all two graphics that I made last week in honor of the over 55 million children lost to abortion. So that if you are like me and can't make it to one of memorials tomorrow you can post these on your social media pages, blogs, etc. in honor of all the beautiful and precious lives lost to us from abortion since 1973 and show that we have not forgotten them, that we will always remember their lives, and that they did matter.
And this one is one that you can use as a profile image or avatar.
Please feel free to download these images and share them on your own pages, social media sites, blogs, etc. Let's all fight harder than ever to make this anniversary of Roe and Doe the last!
Also there is an online event that will be taking place tomorrow started by Jill Stanek called
"Ask Them What They Mean By “Choice” Day" that all pro-lifers can take part in! Read more about it here...
Let's all work together and pray to end abortion!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013
We are only one week away from the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. What I and many others consider to be the blackest day in American history. No other day in U.S. history is responsible for more deaths of American citizens than January 22, 1973.
Today I wanted to share a great video that explains why it is so vitally important that we all recognize all unborn children as legal persons by law. It features actual audio from the hearings on the ridiculous argument of if the unborn child was indeed a person or not. Granted they did not have all the technology that we have available today in regards to ultrasound and other imaging equipment but still for these judges who were suppose to be very educated and smart men to rule that they couldn't tell if an unborn child in the womb was a person or not is nothing short of unparalleled ignorance and just down right stupidity. They ignored even the most basic scientific facts in their rulings. Top embryologists, geneticists, biologists and all kinds of physicians in various fields agree that a distinct and new life of a human being is present at the very moment of conception. These are not new revelations they have been widely known and accepted in the medical and scientific fields for many, many years. You need not look any further than even the most basic textbooks of Human Embryology and Biology that "human life" begins at fertilization, or conception, which is the same as fertilization and they have been there for over a century.
Today I wanted to share a great video that explains why it is so vitally important that we all recognize all unborn children as legal persons by law. It features actual audio from the hearings on the ridiculous argument of if the unborn child was indeed a person or not. Granted they did not have all the technology that we have available today in regards to ultrasound and other imaging equipment but still for these judges who were suppose to be very educated and smart men to rule that they couldn't tell if an unborn child in the womb was a person or not is nothing short of unparalleled ignorance and just down right stupidity. They ignored even the most basic scientific facts in their rulings. Top embryologists, geneticists, biologists and all kinds of physicians in various fields agree that a distinct and new life of a human being is present at the very moment of conception. These are not new revelations they have been widely known and accepted in the medical and scientific fields for many, many years. You need not look any further than even the most basic textbooks of Human Embryology and Biology that "human life" begins at fertilization, or conception, which is the same as fertilization and they have been there for over a century.
Their horrible and disgraceful judgments (and I say judgments because many again forget that Roe v. Wade had a companion case Doe v. Bolton that was ruled upon the exact same day as Roe. What little was restricted by Roe... Doe came along behind it and removed. Essentially legalizing abortion on demand right up until the moment of birth.) Those rulings have cost the lives of over 55 million children since 1973. All the deaths from all of the wars that America has been involved in since the beginning of the U.S. as a nation combined don't come anywhere close to the number of lives that have been lost to abortion. It is long past time to put an end to the blood bath that has been going in our nation since that day almost 40 years ago.
This video from Personhood USA shows the vital importance in legally recognizing unborn children as persons and how it would cause all the arguments from Roe and Doe to collapse. Please watch and share it and also visit Personhood USA to sign the petition to recognize all children as what they are PERSONS and our fellow Americans! Let's work together to make this anniversary of Roe and Doe the last!

Monday, January 14, 2013
I made these graphics last week for the upcoming 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. I intend to make a few more in the next week God willing. Please feel free to download these and share them on all your social networking sites, websites, blogs etc. and share them with all your family and friends.
No other court decisions have so greatly impacted our country as Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. They have taken the lives of more Americans than all of the wars that have been fought by the U.S. since it's founding combined. It's truly staggering when you actually think about the sheer numbers of people who's lives have been snuffed out before they ever had a chance to take their first breath outside the womb. Since 1973 over 55 million children have been aborted in the U.S. More than 3,700 are killed everyday that is more than were killed on 9/11. It's like having a disaster worse than 9/11 happening every single day. I ask you why is there not a cry so loud that it could be heard around the world over so many needless killings of our fellow American's?
And we wonder why our country is in so much trouble?
"Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." Mark 12:31
Is killing our fellow Americans our brothers and sisters love???
Please remember to pray for the young women who are struggling with unplanned and difficult pregnancies, pray for an end to abortion, take part in sidewalk counseling in front of the abortion mills, share some pro-life graphics on Facebook or twitter or one of the other social sites you belong too. Share some pro-life stories and videos with others, post links to crisis pregnancy centers. And most of all don't be SILENT talk about and teach others the truth about abortion. Everyone can do something to help. If you are being silent in fear of hurting anothers feelings or being politically correct you (however unintentionally) are part of the problem that has allowed this travesty to continue for these almost 40 years. Please stop and think and ask yourself truly what is more important? Hurting a few people's feelings which if you ever take a stand for anything you are going to do it is inevitable...or saving LIVES??? That includes the lives of the women who are hurting and being damaged for life everyday by abortion. Apathy is destroying our nation. Will you take a stand for life and help to put an end to abortion for the good of all American women, children and men!
Let's all work together and harder than ever to END this tragedy once and for all. 40 years is way far to long, it's time to Abort ROE and DOE!
"Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." Mark 12:31
Is killing our fellow Americans our brothers and sisters love???
Please remember to pray for the young women who are struggling with unplanned and difficult pregnancies, pray for an end to abortion, take part in sidewalk counseling in front of the abortion mills, share some pro-life graphics on Facebook or twitter or one of the other social sites you belong too. Share some pro-life stories and videos with others, post links to crisis pregnancy centers. And most of all don't be SILENT talk about and teach others the truth about abortion. Everyone can do something to help. If you are being silent in fear of hurting anothers feelings or being politically correct you (however unintentionally) are part of the problem that has allowed this travesty to continue for these almost 40 years. Please stop and think and ask yourself truly what is more important? Hurting a few people's feelings which if you ever take a stand for anything you are going to do it is inevitable...or saving LIVES??? That includes the lives of the women who are hurting and being damaged for life everyday by abortion. Apathy is destroying our nation. Will you take a stand for life and help to put an end to abortion for the good of all American women, children and men!
Let's all work together and harder than ever to END this tragedy once and for all. 40 years is way far to long, it's time to Abort ROE and DOE!
(These graphics have also been added to the graphics page and the new ones will be added as soon as I finish them. So please check back on the graphics page often for more to share! It's an easy way to get the word out on abortion and about standing up for LIFE!)

Sunday, January 13, 2013
Some of you might have noticed I have made a slight change to the name of the website/blog instead of Voice for Hope it will now be A Voice for Hope.
I did this for two reasons...
The main reason is I am very happy to announce that A Voice for Hope now has it's own premium domain name at
Because the name Voice for Hope was already taken on both the .com options and on Facebook as well I decided to go ahead and make the small change to the name and now everything will be more nice and uniform. With the addition of the .com name I think it will be much easier for people to remember and will allow me to add more website and search engine options as well. I pray also that this will bring more visitors and followers for the page! :)
The old links with the blogger address still work just fine but they will now automatically redirect to the new URL address. If you do follow the blog itself and not just the Facebook page please update your bookmarks. :)
In closing I would like to ask you all if you would to please post about A Voice for Hope on your own Facebook and Twitter pages, share the link with your family and friends and help AVFH to continue to grow.
Please post the actual page address and the link to the Facebook page as well if you don't mind.
God bless you all! I would truly appreciate it! Let's all work together to end abortion and be A VOICE FOR HOPE!

Saturday, January 12, 2013
It's time for everyone to start treating people like they would want to be treated themselves. Post abortive women should NOT be cursed at and treated with disrespect. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 We are all sinners and do you really think you are going to help ANYONE or change anyone's mind about abortion if you come at them with hate and cursing and calling them names? Treat EVERYONE with respect and love them like JESUS told us too!
Now by doing this that doesn't mean that you agree with their former actions at all! Or that we don't tell them the truth but you can tell them the truth and teach them while treating with respect like a human being. They will listen to what you are saying MUCH more that way than they will if you treat them with indignation and hate. We want to help these women understand that LIFE is the right choice and help them to see that there are MANY crisis pregnancy centers and other organizations out there that are ready and more than willing to help them and their babies! But you will never get the chance to help them if you alienate the mothers!
I have actually even heard (and this makes me sick to think that a grown person who calls themselves pro-life and sometimes even try to call themselves Christians) that some people who stand outside of abortion centers throw raw meat at the women who are going in and call them vile names and curse them. THAT is not the way to change their minds!!! Would you listen to someone that treated you like this? No you wouldn't. That is sick and childish and it won't help them listen to anything that the Pro-life cause has to say with those kinds of actions. And no true Christian would ever treat anyone this way either! To reach these people we need to treat them as we would want to be treated ourselves with respect and like a person. Because if you curse and throw things and take that kind of approach you are in fact helping the Pro-choice side infinitely more than the Pro-life one! You are doing more harm to the Pro-life cause than good, and you could be helping to loose even more lives by this type of ignorant behavior.
Many of the women who are considering abortion are very young many of them are being pressured by others many times those closest to them to have an abortion. Many have been told by them all around them that abortion is the way to go and that they have no other choice if they want to have a normal life. They are scared, they feel alone, and many have no idea that there are countless programs and people out there more than willing to help them and their babies and that will help them both so that both of them can have a chance at a better and happy life! But we are never going to reach these people who need us most if we or others treat them the way that I have mentioned above that some people who profess to be Pro-life are treating them. This will only push them further into the grips of abortion and Planned Parenthood and their lies that abortion is the quick, safe, and easy way out. It's NOT and we need to reach these women and help them not condemn them and push them further toward an abortion that will kill their innocent child and wound them for life.
Let's love them both the mother's and the babies and fight to save both of their lives because both of them are our brothers and sisters that is what being truly Pro-life is all about! It's about love, not hate there is already plenty of that on the other side and that is what we are trying to END. Let's love our neighbors as ourselves as Jesus taught us to do and help teach others that abortion is NEVER the right decision. That there is help and hope out there and fight to end abortion for the mother's and children's sakes. EVERYONE deserves better than abortion!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013
I have heard many people who are pro-choice make the claim that Pro-life people
do not really care anything about the women that we only care about the babies.
Really most of them always throw in there that we only care about the fetus's
because of course calling an unborn child a baby to them is a huge no,
no. It's all part of the imagined war on women that pro-choicers and
liberals believe wholeheartedly in
and use to try to justify all their leftist beliefs. The accusations that they
level that pro-life people only care for the unborn are completely false. A
true Pro-life person cares just as much about the mother as they do her unborn
child. We don't want to see anyone hurt and that is what abortion does it kills
one and wounds the other most of the time for life both psychologically and
physically as well.
Many pro-choice people might not try to take on the issue that abortions do harm
the woman who has them emotionally, but they will usually are very outspoken and to say that "legal" abortions are
perfectly safe medical procedures that do no lasting harm physically to the mothers. Yet countless recent research irrefutably states otherwise.
Countless studies have shown over the last few years that women who have abortions are at a higher risk
for death for up to 8 years after having an abortion. Research has shown that
women who have abortions often suffer many complications in subsequent
pregnancies including an increased risk of ectopic pregnancies, endometritis,
placenta previa and PID and more. There have been many resent studies showing an increased risk for breast cancer and other types of female
sometimes as much as double the normal risk after having one or more abortions. (The risks continue to rise after every abortion) The risk of
future miscarriages and premature births increases sharply in some cases they
more than double. And countless studies show that abortions more than triple the risk of a woman developing
mental health problems which includes a high risk of suicide.
Here are two great links that list in detail the risks to a women who have
abortions verse those who don't.
List of psychological and suicide risks -
You see Pro-life people care about the mothers too. We don't want
to see them suffer and possibly die themselves due to abortion or abortion causing drugs. Because the
lies that Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry have spread so far and
wide are just that they are lies there is NO such thing as a safe
abortion. Choices have consequences so you much choose wisely.
True Pro-life people believe that both lives are equal. Abortion
is really a civil rights issue. In fact I would venture to say that it is the
ultimate civil rights issue of all time because without the right to life all other rights
are rendered meaningless. Even the horrible practice of slavery didn't mean an automatic death sentence for the slave. They had a chance to live even though most other freedoms were taken from them. Abortion doesn't allow any chance of freedom for the children at all. All men and women are created equal. And as our great Declaration of Independence states "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." There is a reason why they put LIFE first! Because it is the most precious and important right there is! Without it nothing else is even relevant.
Who has the right to say that one person's life worth more than another?
Who has the right to say that one person's life worth more than another?
They say that we only care about the life of the child but why do they only care for the woman and nothing else? Is the mother's life some how more valuable than the child's she
is carrying because she is older? Or because of where she is in her life? Or
because she is already been allowed to grow enough to know where she is at and
interact with the outside world around her? The answer to all the questions
above is NO! Her life is equal too and just as valuable and important as her
child's, but it is not more important. Each and every one of them was at one time that a "fetus" and their lives were just as valuable but no more so than the children that they say that it is all right to kill in the womb. The only difference is they had a mother who did choose life for them. Yet they would deny others that same right and try to call themselves liberators and advocates for freedom? For anyone to say that their life is
somehow more valuable than anyone else's is the epitome of
selfishness and narcissism. We are all the same in the sight of God our
Now I can't speak for how every mother feels but I can speak from
my own experience... when I was pregnant with my son one day into my eighth
month of pregnancy I had an appointment to go see my OBG/GYN. In fact it was
the visit where I was suppose to start going every two weeks for checkups from then on until I had my son. I knew that I hadn't been feeling well that day, but to be perfectly honest
I was extremely sick throughout my entire pregnancy, I was pretty much
miserable the entire time. I was one of the "lucky" ones that had
morning, noon, and night sickness for my entire pregnancy I didn't just have
morning sickness it happened every morning and sometimes all throughout the day and I just always felt wiped out and just blah. I also had other problems but I won't go into that the point
I'm trying to make is that I had already felt so bad during my pregnancy that I
really didn't see a huge difference in how I was feeling that day. I went
to work like normal and worked right up until the time that I had to leave work
and go straight to my doctor's appointment at around 2pm. I had worked the whole day with my
feet propped up on my trashcan underneath my desk because my feet were
swelling that day. But again this was my first pregnancy and I have heard just like every
other woman that women's feet swell a lot of the time when they are pregnant
and I didn't really think that much about it. I thought well it's just because I'm
getting closer to my due date this is just part of it and most women go through it no biggy. I got to the
Doctor's office and I went in like normal when they called me back it was the
same old routine that they had done all the times before. They weighed me and a few other things then I sat down in a chair for them to take my blood pressure and this is where everything changed. The nurse looked like something was wrong like she
wasn't seeing the blood pressure reading right when the cuff had fulled deflated. She said let me take that
again... I did think it was a bit odd but again I didn't know anything was
wrong and I just thought she might not have pumped the cuff enough or the blood
pressure cuff just didn't work right or something that time. So she took my
blood pressure again and this time she didn't say anything she just opened a drawer got
out a red pen (she had been using another color before that while writing in my
chart) and she wrote something in red in my chart and said I'll be right back. Well
now I was starting to wonder what was going on but still I wasn't overly
alarmed at this point still.
Before to long she came back and got me and my husband and showed
us into an exam room just like they always did, and it wasn't too long until my
Dr. came in. She asked how I was feeling and came and examined me just like always feeling of my stomach etc. like all the times before, but after she
finished she stepped back and the next words out of her mouth turned my world
completely upside down. She told me that my blood pressure was extremely high
and that she was going to have to put me in the hospital and that I needed to
go ahead and have my baby that night or in the morning.
I felt like all the
blood drained completely out of me. I remember saying "No it's not time
yet he's too little. I'm only eight months by one day. I can't have him yet, he's not ready." My Dr. told me that
I had developed Preclampsia/Toxemia and
that I needed to go ahead have him then for both of our sakes. She said my blood
pressure was so high that I could have stroke or go into seizures. She said did
you know you are already in labor? I couldn't believe it! She told me that I was already having
contractions... she said put your hand on your stomach you feel how hard it is. I
was like yeah she said that’s because you are having contractions. I was
floored I didn't know what to say. I felt like I was about to have a panic
attack or pass out or both, and I was absolutely scared to death. She said the best thing to do was to put me in the hospital and have this baby. She told me that
she didn't even want me going home to get any clothes or anything, she pointed
to my husband and said he can take care of that later. She wanted me to go
straight over to the hospital which was just up the driveway from where her
office building was right then and that she would meet us over there. She even told my husband to get my information and for him
to go admit me and they could go ahead and start me on some medicine etc. When I got there they
immediately got an IV going and started giving me medicine to speed up my labor
and something to keep me from going in to seizures because my blood pressure
was sky high. I told them there was no chance of it coming down anytime soon
because I had never been so terrified in my entire life.
I prayed that day probably more and more vehemently than I
ever have in my life. I had monitors all over me monitoring me, taking my blood pressure every few mins. and monitors that were monitoring Stephen's heart rate. I prayed to God to help me and my son and if
it was possible and according with his will at all to let us both make it
through it without any problems and be healthy. But that if that wasn't possible and anyone had to
die I begged God to let it be me, to please take me instead and let my son live.
The Dr. got there after they got me in a room and she told
them to get an anesthesiologist in there as soon as possible, and that she wanted me to get an epidural ASAP she told them that she didn't want me feeling anything. I remember she was very adamant about that. She said her blood pressure is already so high
I don’t want her feeling any pain at all it could make it go even higher. She even told me that I could watch TV in the room but to not even watch anything that could get me excited or anything like a sports game or anything. Which I was like ok.....But I
will admit that the she didn't want me feeling any pain part sounded really good to
me. It wasn't long before the anesthesiologist came into my room and gave me an epidural and my Dr. got her wish I felt nothing from my stomach down. I couldn't even feel my legs at all I remember pinching them and never feeling anything at all. But in the mean while I got very sick from the medicine that they were giving me to try to keep me from having seizures. It also had a side effect of making me extremely hot. The Dr. told me when she started the drip that it was going to and I quote "make me feel like crap" she said there is just no other way to put it. Man was she right I got sick to my stomach and I felt like I was burning up from the inside out. It was a realllllllly miserable afternoon and night. I didn't know what was going to happen I was so afraid that I was going to loose my son. I was even more terrified because
his heart rate dropped several times during the night but it always came back
up pretty quickly and my Dr. wanted me to have him naturally without a
c-section if I could. Also they kept having to come and draw blood from me every few hours to check the levels of some of the medicine they were giving me because if it got to high in my blood that wasn't a good thing either.With the epidural even
when I was going into hard labor later that night I didn't feel any pain at
all. I could have gone to sleep accept I was too scared too. Also with them coming in all the time checking things, taking blood, and the blood pressure cuff taking my bp every 15 mins didn't help matters either. It took a long
time before I finally got dilated all the way to where I could start to push the next day.
My appointment at the doctor had been at about 2pm that day and I didn't actually have my son until 4 minutes until 4 the next day but the actual birth
when I started to push and actually have him was one of the easiest parts of my
entire pregnancy. I remember telling my husband that if my whole pregnancy had been as easy as the birth part itself everything would have been a piece of cake.
Stephen weighted 4 pounds
when he was born. And he came out crying it seemed but it was music to my ears. He was so tiny but he was the most beautiful thing I had ever
seen. I know that my husband and I very blessed. There are many children are born much smaller than
he was, but it's still scary when they are that small. I am so thankful to God
for answering my prayers and he was born healthy with no real problems accept
being slightly jaundice. He had no problems with his lungs and had no problem
breathing which they were a little concerned about with him being premature. But
he didn't have any problems and didn't have to be put in an incubator or
anything thank God. He is a true blessing to my husband and I and to this day I
would give my life for his in a second.
I am a mother myself and even
though I was miserable and sick throughout my entire pregnancy and my son and I could have
died when I had him. I would do it all over in a heartbeat. Because Stephen’s life matters and
besides Jesus he is the greatest blessing that God has ever given to me. I am thankful to God everyday for him! He teaches ME new things everyday almost as much or maybe even more than I teach him. My life wasn't then and never will be more important than his.
In closing the real war on women is being waged by those that devalue life and think that no person's life or well being comes before their plans or what they want. We live in a society that is very narcissistic in many ways. It's sad to say but there are many in today's world who could truly care less of what happens to others just as long as they get what they want. That is not the way that things are suppose to be. Some don't care about what is right or what is the truth, they only want what they want and they won't even try to see anything beyond that. They won't listen to any scientific studies or any articles, even by those in the top of their fields in embryology and biology that say that life begins at conception. They can't be bothered to even try listen to, watch, or read anything to see what is true or not if what they believe is right or wrong. Many don't care or if they do they have become so complacent with the way that things are they won't do anything to try to change anything.
My friends we have to be loving and shining lights in this world and try to help changes people's hearts and minds. ALL people in this world are our brothers and sisters. And no matter how they act or what they believe getting angry and throwing around accusations and calling them vile names will not make them listen to you and that isn't right either. We need to stand up for what is right and act caring, logical, responsible adults. We must keep telling the truth no matter what . And for others to be willing to listen to and accept the truth we need to speak the truth but speak it with love and respect that is how to reach people.
I have actually had several pro-choice people say that I
and other pro-lifers really are not pro-life at all just pro-birth, we only care that our beloved "fetuses" are born, but that's not true. True pro-life people believe in the sanctity of all human life, that all people are created by God in his image and are of immeasurable value regardless of
how that child was conceived, or if it is completely healthy with no problems, or it's sex, or any other reason and the mother's
life is just as important as her baby's life is. They are both equal and both
should be loved and cared for! Neither
should have to suffer or die because of abortion.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Friday, January 4, 2013
This is a story that one of my friends shared on their Facebook page and it's too good not to share. There is a lot of wisdom in this story that many people need to hear in today's world! I'm not sure who wrote it but it is powerful and filled with truth and I hope you will share it!
A worried woman went to her gynecologist and said:
'Doctor, I have a serious problem and desperately need your help! My baby is not even 1 year old and I'm pregnant again. I don't want kids so close together.'
So the doctor said: 'Ok and what do you want me to do?'
She said: 'I want you to end my pregnancy, and I'm counting on your help with this.'
The doctor thought for a little, and after some silence he said to the lady: 'I think I have a better solution for your problem. It's less dangerous for you too.'
She smiled, thinking that the doctor was going to accept her request.
Then he continued: 'You see, in order for you not to have to take care of 2 babies at the same time, let's kill the one in your arms. This way, you could rest some before the other one is born. If we're going to kill one of them, it doesn't matter which one it is. There would be no risk for your body if you chose the one in your arms.'
The lady was horrified and said: 'No doctor! How terrible! It's a crime to kill a child!'
'I agree', the doctor replied. 'But you seemed to be OK with it, so I thought maybe that was the best solution.'
The doctor smiled, realizing that he had made his point.
He convinced the mom that there is no difference in killing a child that's already been born and one that's still in the womb. The crime is the same!
If you agree, please SHARE.
Together we can help save precious lives!
Love says, 'I sacrifice myself for the good of the other person.' Abortion says, 'I sacrifice the other person for the good of myself.'

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