Today marks the 40th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade and it's companion case Doe v. Bolton. Since 1973 over 55 million children have been killed "legally" in the U.S. through abortion.
There is a reason that LIFE was the first thing that they mentioned when they stated a person's rights. Because without the right to life all other rights are meaningless.
Many want to say that abortion is a political issue but it's NOT it is a civil rights issue it is a human issue it's literally life or death. It is the "choice" to take away every right from another human being.
The abortion industry has recently started a campaign to try to separate themselves from the word "choice" and are thinking of rebranding themselves and moving away from the term "Pro-choice" because they realize that their bottom line is starting to hurt as more and more people realize what abortion really is and what it's doing to not only the children that they are killing, but the women who they lie to and deceive into thinking that it's an easy fix to their problem. The abortion industry tells them that it's not taking a life it's just a blob of tissue, it's not a baby "yet", it's a just fetus. Those who once worked in the abortion industry like Abby Johnson, Carol Everett, and many others that have since seen the light and now are speaking out and telling what really goes on behind the closed doors of abortion clinics, and the tactics that they use to mislead women all admit this. They have testified stating that to dehumanize the baby everyone at the abortion clinics never, ever uses the word baby or child in a clinic because doing so could put the image and thought that what the woman is actually carrying is indeed a baby into the mother's mind and they might not go through with the abortion if they thought of it as anything but blob of tissue or a fetus. So they always call the unborn child a fetus to try and make it sound like it's not a baby "yet" it's just a bunch of cells that hasn't formed yet. Then they rush them through with the abortion as soon as they can before they can have a chance to think, and change their minds. To them life is not life it's all about money, it's all about the bottom line. They care nothing about the babies they are killing and they care nothing about the women who they are hurting. But these poor women have to suffer the rest of their lives with that decision and the pain and grief that comes along with it. Many of them are tortured and haunted for the rest of their lives by that "choice" and some even suffer physically with problems that affect them for the rest of their lives. Some even die due to the "safe and legal" abortions and the abortion causing drugs they are given.
Each and ever one of us if you want to get extremely technical are still a bunch of cells and blobs of tissue! We are all grown up fetuses! The only difference between us and those beautiful little children that are being killed everyday all over the U.S. is that we had a mother who chose life for us and we were allowed to grow where they were not. We are no better than them and it could have just as easily have been us or those that we love, that those people in the abortion clinics so heartlessly and carelessly dismember and throw in the trash as if we were nothing.
GOD gives each and every one of us life, and every one of us has a living soul that has immeasurable value! Every life matters and is put here for a reason. And when those lives are killed and not allowed to do what they were put here for how much has the world been altered by that? No one can truly know the answer to that, but stop and think for just a moment, what could the over 55 million people who lost their lives to abortion have done to help this world how they could have changed it for the better! What has America already given up and what blessings and invaluable advances to mankind has it already aborted? Who of those children could have grown up and would have already found a cure for cancer, discovered unimaginable new medicines and procedures to help those who are sick and suffering with all kinds of diseases and illness. How many could have been helping to end world hunger, abuses, and injustices. They might have found ways to help countless millions the world over in immeasurable ways but they never had the chance because their lives were discarded as a "choice".
If you believe in that choice are you willing to listen to and truly LOOK at the truth of what that "choice" really is? To truly SEE what abortion really is and does...
Look at this website to see the truth of abortion... http://www.herestheblood.com/
Read and watch the real testimony of people who worked in the abortion industry and find out what abortion is and does...
Other abortion providers testimonies...http://prolifeaction.org/providers/
Abby Johnson's testimony...
So you see Pro-Choice is really NO CHOICE at all and it truly is never the right choice. It only kills one and hurts another. Please if you or anyone you know is experiencing an unplanned pregnancy there is real help available for you that offers life and a good future to both you and your baby contact a life giving pregnancy center in your area and make the right choice of life for you and your baby!
Make the right choice that is good for everyone! CHOOSE LIFE!
Let's all PRAY and work together to end abortion and may God help us to see an end to abortion very, very soon!
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They are "choosing" death and ruin for their children, for themselves and for the country. God help us and have mercy because I can't even bear to think what strict justice would look like.
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean Aura. We all need to be praying for our country because it is definitely going in the wrong direction right now! May God help the U.S. to wake up and turn from it's evil ways and back to him before it's to late.