Friday, January 25, 2013

This may be one of the most important things that I think I have ever shared. Regardless of what party you belong too, what your religious beliefs are, or what stance you take on abortion you need to watch this video! It could save an unimaginable amount of lives. It could even save the life of someone you know and love.

I had to share this video that I recently found and I truly hope that everyone will watch it and share it with everyone they know. This is one that everyone no matter who you are man or woman you should watch and share with all your family and friends and anyone else who will listen! 

Have you ever wondered why there are still so many unplanned pregnancies even in this modern age of widely used and available birth control? More women and men use some form of birth control than ever before and yet there are still an astronomical amount of unplanned pregnancies each year, - which leads to more abortions than ever before. Because organizations that are in the abortion industry like Planned Parenthood are purposely giving FAULTY birth control to women. This is truly chilling! Hear the true details of how some "women's health care" facilities purposely give low dose birth control and faulty condoms to their clients knowing that it will result in unplanned pregnancies to bolster their abortion businesses. They make much more money from abortions than they do from any other service they provide. It's time to expose the truth and stop this tragedy from happening! It has already taken to many lives and ruined to many others already! 

It's time to blow the lid off of what is really going on!

Spanish Version click here

Blood Money is a documentary narrated by Dr. Alveda King (niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.), Bloodmoney takes a critical look into the dark origins of abortion, and return with a deeply disturbing picture: how a movement based on racism and population control usurped the momentum of the women’s rights movement to create something truly despicable– a multi-billion dollar industry that literally thrives on the destruction of unborn babies and the traumatizing of young pregnant women.

It’s not about hearsay. It’s not about political bias. They went right to the historical documents and got it from their own lips. The producers went directly to the women involved in the cases that made abortion legal. They went directly to abortion clinic owners.  They spoke directly with women who’d had multiple abortions, and they let them tell of how the industry really works. >As you can see from the trailer, we discovered some very shocking, very unsettling facts. In the documentary you will also see...
  • Evidence that the courts and abortion doctors know that a fetus is a living human being
  • The evidence of a racist agenda in Planned Parenthood, back when it was still called the Birth Control League
  • How the women in both court cases that made abortion legal were duped by their attorneys — and why neither ended up having abortions
  • Proof from former clinic owners that abortion is an incredibly lucrative business, and the manipulative tactics they use to isolate abortion prospects from their support network so they can pressure them into having an abortion
  • Confessions that clinics will sometimes perform abortions on non-pregnant women so they can still make money
  • First hand evidence of multiple doctors conspiring to cover up botched abortions to avoid law suits
  • Testimony from women that abortions have triggered post traumatic stress disorder, suicidal depression, an inability to feel emotion, and other psychologically devastating effects
  • Why abortion clinics have been immune to regulatory control, even regarding basic health codes
  • The story of the abortion video footage that caused a former clinic owner to retire and become avidly pro life (note: this footage is not shown)
  • And much more.
You can watch a shortened twenty minute version of Bloodmoney meant to be shown to someone contemplating an abortion for FREE below. But it is a shortened version and there are many more important and startling facts and stories shared in the full length version so if you can get them to watch the full version that is the best choice the full film is about an hour and 20 mins long. You can order your copy here...

There is actually a link on Youtube where you can see the entire documentary for free but I HIGHLY recommend you buy this one and support these great pro-life people in exposing the truth about abortion and share it with as many people as you possibly can! It's about saving lives and saving women from the horror that is abortion. Women deserve better than this! If the real truth on abortion where exposed and widely shared it would end now! We have to not be silent and expose the truth to others and end this ungodly practice that is killing our nation and hurting so many in our world today! Don't be silent be part of the solution!

Help Women in Crisis Make a Better Choice

woman after abortion A Powerful Pro Life ResourceWe can pontificate all day about how terrible abortion is. We can dump endless time and money into trying to get the laws changed. But when it comes to what you and I can do today, it’s all about helping young women in a crisis pregnancy make a better choice. And we are hearing readily that young women, when confronted with these truths, are doing exactly that.
So if you want to help with abortion, you don’t have to run for office. You don’t have to donate thousands of dollars if you don’t have it. You don’t even have to go to marches and picket clinics if that doesn’t suit you. All you have to do is keep your eyes open, and when you come across a young women in crisis, be there to listen, to support, and then tell her the truth. If you need to, give her a copy of Bloodmoney. That’s exactly what it’s for.
 Visit their website for more information and order your copy today!

1 comment:

  1. I've seen the full version of Bloodmoney. VERY hard-hitting and deeply disturbing indeed...


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