Saturday, January 12, 2013
It's time for everyone to start treating people like they would want to be treated themselves. Post abortive women should NOT be cursed at and treated with disrespect. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 We are all sinners and do you really think you are going to help ANYONE or change anyone's mind about abortion if you come at them with hate and cursing and calling them names? Treat EVERYONE with respect and love them like JESUS told us too!
Now by doing this that doesn't mean that you agree with their former actions at all! Or that we don't tell them the truth but you can tell them the truth and teach them while treating with respect like a human being. They will listen to what you are saying MUCH more that way than they will if you treat them with indignation and hate. We want to help these women understand that LIFE is the right choice and help them to see that there are MANY crisis pregnancy centers and other organizations out there that are ready and more than willing to help them and their babies! But you will never get the chance to help them if you alienate the mothers!
I have actually even heard (and this makes me sick to think that a grown person who calls themselves pro-life and sometimes even try to call themselves Christians) that some people who stand outside of abortion centers throw raw meat at the women who are going in and call them vile names and curse them. THAT is not the way to change their minds!!! Would you listen to someone that treated you like this? No you wouldn't. That is sick and childish and it won't help them listen to anything that the Pro-life cause has to say with those kinds of actions. And no true Christian would ever treat anyone this way either! To reach these people we need to treat them as we would want to be treated ourselves with respect and like a person. Because if you curse and throw things and take that kind of approach you are in fact helping the Pro-choice side infinitely more than the Pro-life one! You are doing more harm to the Pro-life cause than good, and you could be helping to loose even more lives by this type of ignorant behavior.
Many of the women who are considering abortion are very young many of them are being pressured by others many times those closest to them to have an abortion. Many have been told by them all around them that abortion is the way to go and that they have no other choice if they want to have a normal life. They are scared, they feel alone, and many have no idea that there are countless programs and people out there more than willing to help them and their babies and that will help them both so that both of them can have a chance at a better and happy life! But we are never going to reach these people who need us most if we or others treat them the way that I have mentioned above that some people who profess to be Pro-life are treating them. This will only push them further into the grips of abortion and Planned Parenthood and their lies that abortion is the quick, safe, and easy way out. It's NOT and we need to reach these women and help them not condemn them and push them further toward an abortion that will kill their innocent child and wound them for life.
Let's love them both the mother's and the babies and fight to save both of their lives because both of them are our brothers and sisters that is what being truly Pro-life is all about! It's about love, not hate there is already plenty of that on the other side and that is what we are trying to END. Let's love our neighbors as ourselves as Jesus taught us to do and help teach others that abortion is NEVER the right decision. That there is help and hope out there and fight to end abortion for the mother's and children's sakes. EVERYONE deserves better than abortion!

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